This class represents Form template attachment.
This method returns a new JSONObject instance containing form template attachment data.
Syntax: public org.json.JSONObject toJSON()
throws org.json.JSONException
Overrides: toJSON in class ICTemplateAttachment
Returns: A JSONObject representation of the form template attachment data.
Throws: org.json.JSONException
Instantiates a new ICFormTemplateAttachment instance from the supplied JSONObject.
Syntax: public static ICFormTemplateAttachment fromJSON(org.json.JSONObject jsonObject)
Parameters: jsonObject - A valid JSONObject instance containing form template attachment data.
Returns: A new ICFormTemplateAttachment or null if jsonObj is null.
This method returns the form template attachment title.
Syntax: public java.lang.String getTitle()
Returns: the form template attachment title
This method Sets the form template attachment title
Syntax: public void setTitle(java.lang.String title)
Parameters: title - form template attachment title
This method returns list of form field data.
Syntax: public java.util.List<ICFormField> getFields()
Returns: list of form field data
This method Sets list of form field data
Syntax: public void setFields(java.util.List<ICFormField> fields)
Parameters: fields - list of form field data
Updated about 1 year ago