Manual Integration by Downloading Modules from the GitHub Repository

Method 3: Manual Installation

This section provides the steps necessary for adding and configuring the Webex Connect SDK within your XCode project.

  1. Download SDKs:
    1. Download the required Webex Connect iOS SDKs (Core, Push, InAppMessaging) directly from
      the official GitHub repository: Webex Connect iOS SDK Releases.
  2. Add SDKs to Project:
    1. Unzip the downloaded SDKs.
    2. Drag and drop the .xcframework files into your Xcode project.
    3. In the prompt that appears, select "Create groups" and "Copy items if needed."
  3. Configure Project:
    1. Select your project in the Xcode navigator.
    2. Go to the General tab and in the Frameworks section, change the Embed status to "Embed &
      Sign" for the newly added frameworks.

And follow the next steps (Project Setup) provided in the iOS Modularization SDK Quick Start Guide.