WhatsApp - Inbound Message
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WhatsApp - Inbound Message Descriptions
Field Name | Descriptions |
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flowName | |
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appContext | |
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tenant_identifier | |
message | |
userId | |
tid | |
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WhatsApp - Delivery Receipt
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WhatsApp - Delivery Receipt Descriptions
Field Name | Description |
deliveryInfoNotification | |
deliveryInfo | |
timeStamp | |
Description | |
code | |
deliveryChannel | |
additionalInfo | |
destination | |
destinationType | |
deliveryStatus | |
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transid | |
callbackData | |
correlationid | |
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Key | |
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WhatsApp - Outbound Message
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WhatsApp - Outbound Message Descriptions
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extraparams | |
authkey | |
connect_message_id | |
x_req_origin_time | |
channel | |
destination | |
main_tid | |
tid | |
sid | |
report_info | |
request_source | |
source_tid | |
routerName | |
outbound_notification_events | |
routerId | |
noOfMessages | |
nodetid | |
destinationType | |
sourceOriginTime | |
messagePriority | |
sfeSessionInfo | |
sourceTid | |
transid | |
sfe_dr | |
mt_trans_date | |
evtid | |
servicekey | |
apiDestination | |
flowid | |
txn_log_level | |
channel | |
submittedOn | |
validateDestination | |
type | |
priority | |
tid | |
recipient_type | |
waid | |
preview_url | |
appId | |
x_msg_seq | |
text | |
body | |
dataIntegration | |
context | |
serviceId | |
serviceName | |
flowId | |
flowName | |
messagingAPI | |
Key | |
Key2 | |
appContext | |
tenant_identifier | |
Topic | |
URL | |
webhookurl |