Get SMS API v1

Used to track the delivery status of SMS messages sent via the Send SMS API v1


Know Your Endpoint

SMS channel is supported via Send SMS API v1, Send Message API v2, and Send Message API v1. Refer to this page for information on which API is best suited for your use case.

The API endpoint for Get SMS API v1 is:


Please modify YourRegion in the URL to reflect your tenant’s region. See Know your endpoint page.

Refer to our Postman Collection here for trying Get SMS API v1.


Refer this page for information on API Authentication.


API Access

Please note that this API is currently in beta.

Request Body for Get SMS API v1

Here is a request sample for this API using Service-key-based authentication mechanism.

curl --location 'https://api.<YourRegion><messageId>' \
--header 'Authorization: <ServiceKey>'	

Here is a request sample for this API using JWT-based authentication mechanism.

curl --location 'https://api.<YourRegion><messageId>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>'

Get SMS API v1 Path Parameter

messageIdstringyesSpecify the message ID that gets generated when you send a message using Send SMS API v1.

Get SMS API v1 Header Parameters

AuthorizationstringyesAuthorization token (this can be either a JWT signed by a secret key or the service key)

Sample Response Body

    "acceptedTime": "2024-09-04T08:51:47.571-04:00",
    "statusTime": "2024-09-04T08:51:56.000-04:00",
    "messageId": "6deb1c3e-x0x4-1234-ad45-aa975403a240",
    "correlationId": "12345676",
    "from": "12345678912",
    "to": "+911XXxxx6111",
    "contentType": "text",
    "content": "SMS message content",
    "status": "DELIVERED"
    "code": "7001",
    "message": "Authentication failed."

<No Response body>