
This page will help you get started with Webex Connect APIs for communications across various channels supported by the platform.

Webex Connectcommunications APIs allow you to send proactive outbound messages and calls, and/or respond to incoming customer messages and/or calls across various channels supported by the platform.

This includes:

Getting Started

Refer to our Getting Started guide for all the Webex Connect APIs here to familiarise yourselves with various aspects such as API Endpoints, Authentication, Response and Error Codes, and more.

Batching Requests

You can send a message to a single recipient or to multiple recipients by making a single API call. If you want to send messages to multiple recipients at once you would need to provide the list of recipients in the destination array while making the API call. For example, a bank can send a personalized greeting message to its customers using the delivery channel as SMS. Using batch message API requests, you can send messages to up to 1000 destinations (subject to your TPS limits). E.g., if your messaging API TPS configuration is 10 you can send messages to up to 10 destinations at once.

Additionally, you can send batch messages on multiple channels with a single API request.