Make Voice Call

Request Parameters

channelyesSpecify the channel as "voice"
fromyesCLI i.e. Caller Line Identity, also referred as the Caller ID.

You will need to buy a voice-enabled long-code under the Numbers section. This will be your caller-ID for the outbound call.

If you don't see an option to buy numbers, contact the imiconnect Ops Team.
toyesObject that contains the array of mobile number(s) to call and the respective correlation ID(s)
to.msisdnyesThe mobile number to call along with the country code.
to.correlationIdnoThe CorrelationID is a unique identifier that you can attach to every request as a reference a particular transaction or event.
prioritynoAccepts numbers:
1 - low
2 - medium

- 3 - high
callbackDatanoData that you would like to send to the notify Url
notifyUrlnoThe URL at which you want imiconnect Platform to notify about the callback data and the receipts
requestedReceiptsnoEvents for which the user will receive notifications. The events are:
Offered: when imiconnect platform offers a call to the network to place a call
Accepted: when the network accepts the call offered by imiconnect and places to end-customer
Answered: when the end-customer answers the call
Dropped: when the call is dropped because of an internal technical error
Rejected: when the call gets rejected; it can be due to various reasons like network failure, the customer is busy, rejected by the customer, etc.
Released: when the call is ended by the platform
Disconnected: when the end-customer disconnects the call
Trombone Connected: when the imiconnect platform sends an outbound call to the customer and the customer asks to talk to an agent. The Trombone Connect event occurs when both parties A (end-customer) and B (agent) are connected.
Trombone Released: when the party B (agent) exits the call
Message Expired: when the call request comes in after the configured expiry time, the request expires.
sendAtnoThe timestamp at which the message is sent in UNIX epoch or ISO8601
contentyesA JSON object where you will need to configure the message to the user
content.typeyesmedia or TTS (Text to Speech)
media - use this type if you have uploaded an audio prompt in the Voice Media on imiconnect Platform
TTS - use this type if you want to specify the message dynamically for TTS conversion
content.mediaIdyesMedia Id is applicable only when the type is "media". Provide the ID of the prompt that you have uploaded in the Voice Media on imiconnect Platform.
ttsProcessoryes (Applicable only if content type is "TTS")Currently, only Azure is supported.
languageyes (Applicable only if content type is "TTS")Refer to [Azure documentation] (
Click here to see a list of all the TTS languages supported.
voiceyes (Applicable only if content type is "TTS")Refer to [Azure documentation] (
regionyes (Applicable only if content type is "TTS")Refer to [Azure documentation] (
textyes (Applicable only if content type is "TTS")Text to be synthesised. The character limit is 2000.
voiceTypeyes (Applicable only if content type is "TTS")The voice type: neural
genderyes (Applicable only if content type is "TTS")Gender of the voice that you have selected for TTS
Response Parameters
requestTimestampThe date and time stamp in ISO8601 format at which the request is submitted
messageIdUnique transaction id of the message with which the request is made
correlationIdThe same correlationId that you have provided in the request for the corresponding message is returned in the response.
statusThe status of the call:
Queued or Rejected
codeThe response code of the sent request. See the Response Codes section for more details.
messageDescription of the error message like Parameter missing or Invalid Parameter
Response Codes
Response CodesDescription
200 OKSuccessful
201 CreatedCreated
201 Partial Content
400 Bad RequestBad input parameter. Error description should indicate which one and why.
401 Unauthorized Customer doesn’t exist.
Customer account over quota.
404 Not FoundResource not found
405 Method Not AllowedThe resource doesn't support the specified HTTP verb
409 ConflictConflict
429 Too Many RequestsToo many requests for rate limiting
500 Internal Server ErrorServers are not working as expected. The request is probably valid but needs to be requested again later.
503 Service UnavailableService Unavailable
 {   "type": "media",
 {    "type": "TtS",
      "ttsProcessor": "Azure",
      "language": "EN-US",
      "voice": "GuyNeural",
      "region": "Canada"
      "text": "Time for lunch",

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
7401No Answer
7402Customer Busy
7406Call Rejected
7407Call Offered
7408Call Accepted
7409Call Dropped
7410Call Disconnected
7411Trombone Connected
7412Trombone Released
7208Message Expired
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!