Data Streams - SMS

Contains the payloads and descriptions for Inbound, Outbound, and Delivery Receipts for SMS.

SMS - Inbound Message

The following is the inbound message payload.

  "transid": "cfXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a",
  "channel": "SMS",
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "serviceId": "",
      "serviceName": "",
      "flowId": "",
      "flowName": "",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "x_networkid": "",
  "message": "r660f",
  "userId": "",
  "tid": "cqXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a",
  "clientUUID": "9eXXXX26-9XX1-4XX7-bXXa-d9XXXXXXXXbd",
  "x-wx-gtrid": "d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9",
  "oa": "+447XXXXXXX543",
  "datetime": "2024-03-04T15:20:10.725+05:30",
  "da": "447XXXXXXX44",
  "ts": "2024-03-04T15:20:10.725+05:30"

Inbound Message Descriptions

The following table contains the parameter descriptions of SMS Inbound Message.

Field NameDescriptionExample
transIdUnique transaction reference id of the request.cfXXXX81-2XXe-
channelName of the channel.SMS
dataIntegrationThe object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow and also app context object."dataIntegration": {    "context":
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"   
“appContext”: {
contextThe object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow."context": { 
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"   
serviceIdContains the unique reference id of the service.12345
serviceNameContains the name of the service.SMS_MultipleUsersAsset
flowIdContains the unique ID for the flow.54321
flowNameContains the name of the flow.SMS_IncmingMessageEvent
messagingAPIIndicates whether the request is sent through messaging API.true/false
appContextThe object is added as key-value pair either by Data Stream admin or in flow.“appContext“: {
“key1”: “value1“,
“key2”: “value2“
x_networkidInternal network id of destination address.
messageDescription of the text message. Message Delivered
userIdID generated by Webex Connect.12344321
tidTransaction ID generated by Webex Connect.234XXXXX-dXXX-4XXX-9XXX-c4bXXXXXXX20
clientUUIDContains the clients unique identification number.9eXXXX26-9XX1-4XX7-bXXa-d9XXXXXXXXbd
x-wx-gtridContains the global transaction ID between cross-products for a given request.d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9
oaSource Address (Sender ID)
datetimeData and Time on which the message is received2020-02-25T12:40:45.051+05:30
daDestination Address (MSISDN)
tsTimestamp on which the message is received2020-02-25T12:40:45.051+05:30

SMS - Delivery Receipts

The following are the delivery receipts payload.

  "x-wx-gtrid": "0dXXXXed-9XXe-6XX5-cXX3-a81XXXXXXXX5f4",
  "deliveryInfoNotification": {
    "deliveryInfo": {
      "timeStamp": "2024-03-04T15:30:28.744+05:30",
      "Description": "Submitted",
      "code": "7501",
      "deliveryChannel": "SMS",
      "additionalInfo": "",
      "destination": "+447741632543",
      "destinationType": "msisdn",
      "deliveryStatus": "Submitted"
    "subtid": "7dXXXXa6-4XX6-4XX4-8XX6-fdXXXXXXXXf9",
    "transid": "0007_1709XXXXXXXX06",
    "callbackData": "",
    "correlationid": ""
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "SMSSendNode": "200",
      "serviceId": “1234”,
      "serviceName": "MyFirstSMSService",
      "flowId": “4321”,
      "flowName": “MyFirstSMSFlow",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {
  "x-wx-gtrid": "0dXXXXed-9XXe-6XX5-cXX3-a81XXXXXXXX5f4",
  "deliveryInfoNotification": {
    "deliveryInfo": {
      "timeStamp": "2024-03-04T15:30:33.000+05:30",
      "Description": "Delivered",
      "code": "7500",
      "messageCount":"1",//New variables will be sent starting v6.9.0 onwards. 
      "deliveryChannel": "SMS",
      "additionalInfo": "",
      "destination": "+447741632543",
      "destinationType": "msisdn",
      "deliveryStatus": "Delivered"
    "subtid": "7dXXXXa6-4XX6-4XX4-8XX6-fdXXXXXXXXf9",
    "transid": "0007_1709XXXXXXXX06",
    "callbackData": "",
    "correlationid": ""
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "SMSSendNode": "200",
      "serviceId": “1234",
      "serviceName": "MyFirstSMSService”,
      "flowId": “43”21,
      "flowName": "MyFirstSMSFlow",
      "messagingAPI": "false"
    "appContext": {

Delivery Receipts Descriptions

The following table contains the parameter descriptions of SMS Delivery Receipts.

Field NameDescriptionExampleMessage Type
x-wx-gtridContains the global transaction ID between cross-products for a given request.d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
deliveryInfoNotificationSystem variableNACommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
deliveryInfoSystem variableNACommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
timeStampTimestamp of the event2024-03-04T16:08:52.860+05:30Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
DescriptionDetailed description of the delivery status.Message length exceededCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
codeStatus code as mentioned in the documentation7107Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
messageCountThe number of segments in the SMS message. This value will only be returned for Delivered and Failed delivery receipts.
Note: This field will not be available in Canada and India regions
3Failed or Delivered
deliveryChannelChannel to be used to send messageSMSCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
additionalinfoAdditional info such as details about the browser used to open a link in case of Click events.Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
destinationThe mobile number to which message will be sent.174XXXX6048Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
destinationTypeThis is always msisdn for SMS.msisdnCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
deliveryStatusStatus of messages once sentSubmitted, DeliveredCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
subtidA unique transaction id will be generated as subtid for the flow level transactions(or node tid).27XXXX95-dXXb-4XXc-8XXc-61XXXXXXX8faCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
transidUnique transaction reference id of the request.93XXXX0b-0XX0-4XXb-aXXd-37fXXXXXXX4dCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
callbackDataData that you have configured to receive on the notify Url. This is configured as a part of the requestCallBackdataCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
correlationidThe CorrelationID is a unique identifier that you can attach to every request as a reference a particular transaction or event. This is configured as a part of the request.SMSMTusingmsisdnCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
dataIntegrationThe object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow and also app context object."dataIntegration": {    "context":
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"   
“appContext”: {
Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
contextThe object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow."context": { 
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"   
Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
serviceIdContains the unique reference id of the service.12345Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
serviceNameContains the name of the service.SMS_MultipleUsersAssetCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
flowIdContains the unique ID for the flow.54321Common parameter for all delivery receipts.
flowNameContains the name of the flow.SMS_IncmingMessageEventCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
messagingAPIIndicates whether the request is sent through messaging APItrue/falseCommon parameter for all delivery receipts.
appContextThe object is added as key-value pair either by Data Stream admin or in flow.“appContext“: {
“key1”: “value1“,
“key2”: “value2“
Common parameter for all delivery receipts.

SMS - Outbound Message

The following is the outbound message payload.

  "esmeid": "-1",
  "msg": "",
  "transid": "67480f26-5c63-4169-a6d4-75b8766444c7",
  "validateDestination": false,
  "dataIntegration": {
    "context": {
      "serviceId": "6587",
      "serviceName": "SMSNGMPR660",
      "flowId": "",
      "flowName": "",
      "messagingAPI": "true"
    "appContext": {
  "isHex": "0",
  "tid": "234XXXXX-dXXX-4XXX-9XXX-c4bXXXXXXX20",
  "clientUUID": "9eXXXX26-9XX1-4XX7-bXXa-d9XXXXXXXXbd",
  "x-wx-gtrid": "d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9",
  "oa": "447XXXXXX744",
  "dcs": 0,
  "corelationid": "cfXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a",
  "x_msg_seq": 0,
  "serviceKey": "02XXXXd0-5XX7-1XXd-bXX8-12XXXXXXXX6d",
  "serviceid": "1",
  "da": [
  "msgtype": "1",
  "sr": 2

Outbound Message Descriptions

The following table contains the parameter descriptions of SMS Outbound Messages.

Field NameDescriptionExample
esmeidContains the unique id for External Short Messaging Entity.-1
msgContains the text of sent by the user.Your appointment is fixed for tomorrow.
transidUnique transaction reference id of the request.93XXXX0b-0XX0-4XXb-aXXd-37fXXXXXXX4d
validateDestinationSystem Variabletrue/false
dataIntegrationThe object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow and also app context object."dataIntegration": {    "context":
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"   
“appContext”: {
contextThe object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow."context": { 
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"   
serviceIdContains the unique reference id of the service.12345
serviceNameContains the name of the service.SMS_MultipleUsersAsset
flowIdContains the unique ID for the flow.54321
flowNameContains the name of the flow.SMS_IncmingMessageEvent
messagingAPIIndicates whether the request is sent through messaging APItrue/false
appContextThe object is added as key-value pair either by Data Stream admin or in flow.“appContext“: {
“key1”: “value1“,
“key2”: “value2“
isHexSpecify whether context is in hexidecimal format0
tidTransaction ID generated by Webex Connect.234XXXXX-dXXX-4XXX-9XXX-c4bXXXXXXX20
clientUUIDContains the clients unique identification number.9eXXXX26-9XX1-4XX7-bXXa-d9XXXXXXXXbd
x-wx-gtridContains the global transaction ID between cross-products for a given request.d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9
oaSource Address (Sender ID)447XXXXXX744
dcsCarries basic information on how the recipient handset should process the received message.0
corelationidThe CorrelationID is a unique identifier that you can attach to every request as a reference a particular transaction or event. This is configured as a part of the request.cfXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a
x_msg_seqThis parameter represents whether the request should process sequence or not.0
serviceKeyUnique identification number for the service.02XXXXd0-5XX7-1XXd-bXX8-12XXXXXXXX6d
serviceidContains the unique reference id of the service.cqXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a
daDestination Address (MSISDN)447XXXXXX2543
msgtypeContains the type of message sent.1