Contains the payloads and descriptions for Inbound, Outbound, and Delivery Receipts for SMS.
SMS - Inbound Message
The following is the inbound message payload.
"transid": "cfXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a",
"channel": "SMS",
"dataIntegration": {
"context": {
"serviceId": "",
"serviceName": "",
"flowId": "",
"flowName": "",
"messagingAPI": "false"
"appContext": {
"x_networkid": "",
"message": "r660f",
"userId": "",
"tid": "cqXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a",
"clientUUID": "9eXXXX26-9XX1-4XX7-bXXa-d9XXXXXXXXbd",
"x-wx-gtrid": "d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9",
"oa": "+447XXXXXXX543",
"datetime": "2024-03-04T15:20:10.725+05:30",
"da": "447XXXXXXX44",
"ts": "2024-03-04T15:20:10.725+05:30"
Inbound Message Descriptions
The following table contains the parameter descriptions of SMS Inbound Message.
Field Name | Description | Example |
transId | Unique transaction reference id of the request. | cfXXXX81-2XXe- 4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a |
channel | Name of the channel. | SMS |
dataIntegration | The object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow and also app context object. | "dataIntegration": { "context": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "key3": "value3" }, “appContext”: { } } |
context | The object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow. | "context": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "key3": "value3" } |
serviceId | Contains the unique reference id of the service. | 12345 |
serviceName | Contains the name of the service. | SMS_MultipleUsersAsset |
flowId | Contains the unique ID for the flow. | 54321 |
flowName | Contains the name of the flow. | SMS_IncmingMessageEvent |
messagingAPI | Indicates whether the request is sent through messaging API. | true/false |
appContext | The object is added as key-value pair either by Data Stream admin or in flow. | “appContext“: { “key1”: “value1“, “key2”: “value2“ } |
x_networkid | Internal network id of destination address. | |
message | Description of the text message. | Message Delivered |
userId | ID generated by Webex Connect. | 12344321 |
tid | Transaction ID generated by Webex Connect. | 234XXXXX-dXXX-4XXX-9XXX-c4bXXXXXXX20 |
clientUUID | Contains the clients unique identification number. | 9eXXXX26-9XX1-4XX7-bXXa-d9XXXXXXXXbd |
x-wx-gtrid | Contains the global transaction ID between cross-products for a given request. | d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9 |
oa | Source Address (Sender ID) | |
datetime | Data and Time on which the message is received | 2020-02-25T12:40:45.051+05:30 |
da | Destination Address (MSISDN) | |
ts | Timestamp on which the message is received | 2020-02-25T12:40:45.051+05:30 |
SMS - Delivery Receipts
The following are the delivery receipts payload.
"x-wx-gtrid": "0dXXXXed-9XXe-6XX5-cXX3-a81XXXXXXXX5f4",
"deliveryInfoNotification": {
"deliveryInfo": {
"timeStamp": "2024-03-04T15:30:28.744+05:30",
"Description": "Submitted",
"code": "7501",
"deliveryChannel": "SMS",
"additionalInfo": "",
"destination": "+447741632543",
"destinationType": "msisdn",
"deliveryStatus": "Submitted"
"subtid": "7dXXXXa6-4XX6-4XX4-8XX6-fdXXXXXXXXf9",
"transid": "0007_1709XXXXXXXX06",
"callbackData": "",
"correlationid": ""
"dataIntegration": {
"context": {
"SMSSendNode": "200",
"serviceId": “1234”,
"serviceName": "MyFirstSMSService",
"flowId": “4321”,
"flowName": “MyFirstSMSFlow",
"messagingAPI": "false"
"appContext": {
"x-wx-gtrid": "0dXXXXed-9XXe-6XX5-cXX3-a81XXXXXXXX5f4",
"deliveryInfoNotification": {
"deliveryInfo": {
"timeStamp": "2024-03-04T15:30:33.000+05:30",
"Description": "Delivered",
"code": "7500",
"messageCount":"1",//New variables will be sent starting v6.9.0 onwards.
"deliveryChannel": "SMS",
"additionalInfo": "",
"destination": "+447741632543",
"destinationType": "msisdn",
"deliveryStatus": "Delivered"
"subtid": "7dXXXXa6-4XX6-4XX4-8XX6-fdXXXXXXXXf9",
"transid": "0007_1709XXXXXXXX06",
"callbackData": "",
"correlationid": ""
"dataIntegration": {
"context": {
"SMSSendNode": "200",
"serviceId": “1234",
"serviceName": "MyFirstSMSService”,
"flowId": “43”21,
"flowName": "MyFirstSMSFlow",
"messagingAPI": "false"
"appContext": {
Delivery Receipts Descriptions
The following table contains the parameter descriptions of SMS Delivery Receipts.
Field Name | Description | Example | Message Type |
x-wx-gtrid | Contains the global transaction ID between cross-products for a given request. | d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9 | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
deliveryInfoNotification | System variable | NA | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
deliveryInfo | System variable | NA | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
timeStamp | Timestamp of the event | 2024-03-04T16:08:52.860+05:30 | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
Description | Detailed description of the delivery status. | Message length exceeded | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
code | Status code as mentioned in the documentation | 7107 | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
messageCount | The number of segments in the SMS message. This value will only be returned for Delivered and Failed delivery receipts. Note: This field will not be available in Canada and India regions | 3 | Failed or Delivered |
deliveryChannel | Channel to be used to send message | SMS | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
additionalinfo | Additional info such as details about the browser used to open a link in case of Click events. | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. | |
destination | The mobile number to which message will be sent. | 174XXXX6048 | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
destinationType | This is always msisdn for SMS. | msisdn | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
deliveryStatus | Status of messages once sent | Submitted, Delivered | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
subtid | A unique transaction id will be generated as subtid for the flow level transactions(or node tid). | 27XXXX95-dXXb-4XXc-8XXc-61XXXXXXX8fa | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
transid | Unique transaction reference id of the request. | 93XXXX0b-0XX0-4XXb-aXXd-37fXXXXXXX4d | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
callbackData | Data that you have configured to receive on the notify Url. This is configured as a part of the request | CallBackdata | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
correlationid | The CorrelationID is a unique identifier that you can attach to every request as a reference a particular transaction or event. This is configured as a part of the request. | SMSMTusingmsisdn | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
dataIntegration | The object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow and also app context object. | "dataIntegration": { "context": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "key3": "value3" }, “appContext”: { } } | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
context | The object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow. | "context": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "key3": "value3" } | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
serviceId | Contains the unique reference id of the service. | 12345 | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
serviceName | Contains the name of the service. | SMS_MultipleUsersAsset | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
flowId | Contains the unique ID for the flow. | 54321 | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
flowName | Contains the name of the flow. | SMS_IncmingMessageEvent | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
messagingAPI | Indicates whether the request is sent through messaging API | true/false | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
appContext | The object is added as key-value pair either by Data Stream admin or in flow. | “appContext“: { “key1”: “value1“, “key2”: “value2“ } | Common parameter for all delivery receipts. |
SMS - Outbound Message
The following is the outbound message payload.
"esmeid": "-1",
"msg": "",
"transid": "67480f26-5c63-4169-a6d4-75b8766444c7",
"validateDestination": false,
"dataIntegration": {
"context": {
"serviceId": "6587",
"serviceName": "SMSNGMPR660",
"flowId": "",
"flowName": "",
"messagingAPI": "true"
"appContext": {
"isHex": "0",
"tid": "234XXXXX-dXXX-4XXX-9XXX-c4bXXXXXXX20",
"clientUUID": "9eXXXX26-9XX1-4XX7-bXXa-d9XXXXXXXXbd",
"x-wx-gtrid": "d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9",
"oa": "447XXXXXX744",
"dcs": 0,
"corelationid": "cfXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a",
"x_msg_seq": 0,
"serviceKey": "02XXXXd0-5XX7-1XXd-bXX8-12XXXXXXXX6d",
"serviceid": "1",
"da": [
"msgtype": "1",
"sr": 2
Outbound Message Descriptions
The following table contains the parameter descriptions of SMS Outbound Messages.
Field Name | Description | Example |
esmeid | Contains the unique id for External Short Messaging Entity. | -1 |
msg | Contains the text of sent by the user. | Your appointment is fixed for tomorrow. |
transid | Unique transaction reference id of the request. | 93XXXX0b-0XX0-4XXb-aXXd-37fXXXXXXX4d |
validateDestination | System Variable | true/false |
dataIntegration | The object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow and also app context object. | "dataIntegration": { "context": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "key3": "value3" }, “appContext”: { } } |
context | The object contains key-value pairs which are added either by Data Stream admin or in flow. | "context": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "key3": "value3" } |
serviceId | Contains the unique reference id of the service. | 12345 |
serviceName | Contains the name of the service. | SMS_MultipleUsersAsset |
flowId | Contains the unique ID for the flow. | 54321 |
flowName | Contains the name of the flow. | SMS_IncmingMessageEvent |
messagingAPI | Indicates whether the request is sent through messaging API | true/false |
appContext | The object is added as key-value pair either by Data Stream admin or in flow. | “appContext“: { “key1”: “value1“, “key2”: “value2“ } |
isHex | Specify whether context is in hexidecimal format | 0 |
tid | Transaction ID generated by Webex Connect. | 234XXXXX-dXXX-4XXX-9XXX-c4bXXXXXXX20 |
clientUUID | Contains the clients unique identification number. | 9eXXXX26-9XX1-4XX7-bXXa-d9XXXXXXXXbd |
x-wx-gtrid | Contains the global transaction ID between cross-products for a given request. | d7XXXX76-3XXa-4XXe-9XX3-d6XXXXXXXXf9 |
oa | Source Address (Sender ID) | 447XXXXXX744 |
dcs | Carries basic information on how the recipient handset should process the received message. | 0 |
corelationid | The CorrelationID is a unique identifier that you can attach to every request as a reference a particular transaction or event. This is configured as a part of the request. | cfXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a |
x_msg_seq | This parameter represents whether the request should process sequence or not. | 0 |
serviceKey | Unique identification number for the service. | 02XXXXd0-5XX7-1XXd-bXX8-12XXXXXXXX6d |
serviceid | Contains the unique reference id of the service. | cqXXXX81-2XXe-4XX5-9XXd-36XXXXXXXX3a |
da | Destination Address (MSISDN) | 447XXXXXX2543 |
msgtype | Contains the type of message sent. | 1 |
sr |