Channel Specific Status Codes

This document details the channel-specific status codes and the associated reasons for message delivery failure.



Please note that the 'Details' column is added in tables when there is additional information to be provided about the information in the 'Description' column.

Common Error Codes across Channels

Error CodeDescription
7000Invalid JSON
7001Authentication failed
7002Service Key Missing
7003Mandatory parameters missing
7004Invalid parameters/Values
7005Request expired
7006Internal error occurred
7007Service inactive
7009Max number of destination address limited to 1000
7020You have reached the maximum transaction limit
7104Invalid app id
7200Unknown Status

Apple Messages for Business

Status CodeDescription
7000Invalid input details(JSON not correct)
7006Internal server error
7010Service provider exception
7011Unknown Exception
7301Message expired
7307Endpoint not reachable
7316Invalid application details
7317Merchant API session failed
7738Failed to upload media
7000Invalid JSON
7001Authentication failed
7002Service key missing
7003Mandatory parameters missing
7004Invalid parameters
7007Service inactive
7009Max number of destinations
7722Parameter value is invalid


Status CodeDescriptionDetails
7500DeliveredReturned when e-mail is delivered
7501SubmittedReturned when e-mail sent to the gateway
7502ReadReturned when e-mail is read
7520BounceThe following bounce types are possible:

- Undetermined: Indicates Amazon SES was unable to determine a specific bounce reason.
- Permanent (general): Indicates Amazon SES received a general hard bounce and recommends that you remove the recipient's email address from your mailing list.
- Permanent (no email): Indicates Amazon SES received a permanent hard bounce because the target email address does not exist. It is recommended that you remove that recipient from your mailing list.
- Permanent (suppressed): Indicates Amazon SES has suppressed sending to this address because it has a recent history of bouncing as an invalid address.
- Transient (general): Indicates Amazon SES received a general bounce. You may be able to successfully retry sending to that recipient in the future.
- Transient (mail box full): Indicates Amazon SES received a mailbox full bounce. You may be able to successfully retry sending to that recipient in the future.
- Transient (message too large): Indicates Amazon SES received a message too large bounce. You may be able to successfully retry sending to that recipient if you reduce the message size.
- Transient (content rejected): Indicates Amazon SES received a content rejected bounce. You may be able to successfully retry sending to that recipient if you change the message content.
- Transient (attachment rejected):
Indicates Amazon SES received an attachment rejected bounce. You may be able to successfully retry sending to that recipient if you remove or change the attachment.
- Emails that failed to deliver due to soft bounces, such as Transient (Mailbox full) might still get Delivered notification, since the email clients first acknowledge the delivery of email before establishing issues such as recipient mailbox being full.
7521ComplaintThe following complaint types are possible:

- Abuse: Indicates unsolicited email or some other kind of email abuse.
- Auth-failure: Email authentication failure report.
- Fraud: Indicates some kind of fraud or phishing activity.
- Not-spam: Indicates that the entity providing the report does not consider the message to be spam. This may be used to correct a message that was incorrectly tagged or categorized as spam.
- Other: Indicates any other feedback that does not fit into other registered types.
- Virus: Reports that a virus is found in the originating message.
7522Email address is not verifiedThis occurs when the account is in sandbox mode. Returned when destination email address is not verified.
7523Invalid email addressReturned when destination email address is invalid. The email ID should be in the format: where “abc” is the unique combination of string and numerics or one of the two, while “xyz” is the domain or server to be linked to. As part of the syntax, “@” and “.” are mandatory to ensure the validity of the email address.
7524Email address max length reachedReturned when the maximum email length has been reached. According to the example above - “”, the maximum length of “abc” should be less than or equal to 64 characters and the maximum length of “” should be less than or equal to 255 characters. The total character length of the email address should not exceed 320 (inclusive of “@”).
7528ClickedReturned when the email is clicked.
7535attachment length exceededReturned when overall email size including attachment exceeds the limit. For clients post version 5.63, the limit is 40MB.
7536Exception while parsing the EMAIL Template, unable to fetch template
7240EmailId in bounce blocked listReturned when the email has bounced
7241EmailId in unsubscribe blocked list* Returned when the destination email is found in Webex Connect unsubscribe list.
7553SMTP Authentication Failed
7554SMTP Failures

Google Business Messages (Deprecated)

Error CodeDescription
7900No error
7904Request not authenticated due to missing, invalid, or expired OAuth token.
7905Client does not have sufficient permission. This can happen because the OAuth token does not have the right scopes, the client doesn't have permission, or the API has not been enabled.
7906A specified resource is not found.
7909Either out of resource quota or reaching rate limiting. The client should look for google.rpc.QuotaFailure error detail for more information.
7910Request cancelled by the client.
7913API method not implemented by the server.
7914Network error occurred before reaching the server. Typically a network outage or misconfiguration.
7915Service unavailable. Typically the server is down.
7916Request deadline exceeded. This will happen only if the caller sets a deadline that is shorter than the method's default deadline (i.e. requested deadline is not enough for the server to process the request) and the request did not finish within the deadline.
7901Client specified an invalid argument. Check error message and error details for more information.
7902Request can not be executed in the current system state, such as deleting a non-empty directory.
7903Client specified an invalid range.
7907Concurrency conflict, such as read-modify-write conflict.
7908The resource that a client tried to create already exists.
7911Unrecoverable data loss or data corruption. The client should report the error to the user.
7917Unknown server error. Typically a server bug.
7912Internal server error. Typically a server bug.

In-App Messaging and Live Chat

Status CodeDescription
7000Invalid input details
7006Internal server error
7010Service provider exception
7011Unknown Exception
7301Message expired
7304Invalid app credentials(Invalid OAuth)
7305Invalid user credentials
7307End point not reachable
7308Invalid topic
7309No topic subscribers found
7310No segment found
7311Thread or streamname required
7312Invalid thread id
7000Invalid JSON (Generic Template)
7003param 'mediaid' or type based attachment is required (Generic Template)
7004param 'title' in notification, is missed or empty (Generic Template)
7034Max allowed elements reached - Upto 8 elements are allowed in attachments (Generic Template)
7703Max allowed buttons in a section reached - Upto 3 buttons allowed in element (Generic Template)
7704Duplicate identifiers not allowed (Generic Template)
7708Max allowed image urls reached - Upto 5 allowed URLs in element (Generic Template)
7004invalid value for param 'type' in rt attachment, only image, location, file, video and audio are allowed (Quick Replies)
7003param 'mediaid' or type based attachment is required (Quick Replies)
7704Duplicate identifiers not allowed (Quick Replies)
7706Max allowed quick replies reached - max 5 quick replies will be allowed (Quick Replies)
7026Request Json parameter size exceeded 4 KB (Quick Replies)


Error CodeDescription
7000Invalid input details(JSON not correct)
7307End point not reachable
7302Rate limit exceeded
7301Message expired
7303Delivery notification of a message expired
7006Internal server error
7304Invalid app credentials(Invalid OAuth)
7305Invalid user credentials
7306Duplicate message
7011Unknown Exception
7010Service provider exception
7526Either subscription messaging permission not enabled or invalid tag received from request
7313Inbound message not received from user


Status CodeDescription
7144Delivery to the country code not supported
7145Slide message max text size exceeded
7146Max slides exceeded
7147Quota exceeded at route level
7148Invalid attachment type
7212Invalid request. Make a valid request via GET/POST/XML with all the required variables
7213User Authentication Failed
7214This account has no API rights
7215You can call API every X seconds
7216This account has no rights to use this action
7217XML Parse error: $error
7218API not activated
7219Invalid receiver number
7220Invalid short code
7221IP was not allowlisted. API call rejected
7222Set throughput exceeded for this API action. API call rejected
7223Phone number is in blocked list. API call rejected
7224Account has reached the API request limit
7225More than one object is not allowed in the same slide
7226MMS audio/video/image are not allowed with object in the same slide
7227Too many Slides
7228Audio and Video not allowed in same slide
7229Video and Image not allowed in same slide
7230Text more than X characters
7231Content not allowed
7232Bad X slide duration
7233This content does not exist
7234The name is required
7235No slides
7236Slide X is empty
7237Image in slide X is too big
7238Audio in slide X is too big
7239Video in slide X is too big
7242Text in slide X is too long
7243vCard in slide X is too big
7244iCal in slide X is too big
7245PDF in slide X is too big
7246Passbook file in slide X is too big
7247Image file in slide X is corrupted
7248Could not copy Image in slide X
7249Could not copy Audio in slide X
7250Could not copy Video in slide X
7251Could not copy vCard in slide X
7252Could not copy iCal in slide X
7253Could not copy PDF in slide X
7254Could not copy Passbook file in slide X
7255Internal error
7256mmslink_expiration_date is invalid
7257Carrier lookup failed. Please retry
7258Carrier not provisioned
7259The fallbacksmstext is required
7260Invalid serviceid / serviceid is required
7261Operator Not supported
7262Unrecognized content type
7263The ‘operator id’ is required
7264Number is not subscribed in this campaign
7265The campaignref is required
7266Invalid campaignref
7267Message failed at vendor
7268Message rejected or not supported at vendor
7269API access is blocked for this account. Please check the status of this account or its primary account if applicable
7270Message delivery expired by operator
7271Message delivery expired by application


Status CodeDescription
7000Invalid input details(JSON not correct)
7006Internal server error
7010Service provider exception
7011Unknown Exception
7301Message expired
7303Endpoint not reachable
7313Inbound message not received from the user
7526Either subscription messaging permission not enabled or invalid tag received from the request
2018336The action is not submitted due to new privacy rules in Europe. See developer documentation for more information.98
2018047The action is not submitted due to new privacy rules in Europe. See developer documentation for more information.


Status CodeDescriptionDetails
7500DeliveredThe push was successfully delivered to the device.
7501SubmittedThe push was successfully submitted to the push service (APNS/FCM/HMS) for delivery
7502ReadGenerated when the user interacts with the push on the device. Note that this status does not occur if the user dismisses the push.
7503Message expired before delivery attemptReturned when the message is expired before attempting a delivery. The expiry value is configured in the request body.
7504Authentication errorReturned when an authentication error occurs.
7505Too large payload ( >4kb)Returned when the payload is more than 4kb for Android.
7506Invalid time to live valueReturned when an invalid value is passed for time to live parameter for Android
7507Too many requests for the AppThis error occurs when an Firebase receives too many requests for the same app, overloading the server. Firebase doesn't specify limits, but suggests using exponential back-off to mitigate this issue.
7508GCM server errorReturned when an error occurs in Google Cloud Messaging server
7509Too many concurrent requests for same customerThis error indicates messaging to a device exceeds the allowed rate. To address this, use exponential back-off. Note that FCM's limit for Android is 240 messages per minute or 5,000 per hour per device.
7510Too big payloadReturned when the payload is more than 4kb for iOS.
7511Invalid time to live valueReturned when an invalid value is passed for time to live parameter for iOS.
7512Invalid push idReturned when the push id is invalid.
7513Unregistered DeviceReturned when a device is not registered.
7514Wrong apns certificate gatewayReturned when a wrong APNS certificate is provided.
7515Bad apns certificateReturned when an APNS certificate is invalid.
7516Too many request for the same deviceThis error indicates the APNs server received too many requests for the same device token. Implement exponential back-off to mitigate this issue.
7517APNS server errorReturned when an APNS server error occurs.
7518UnknownReturned when an unknown error occurs.
7537Some tokens are successfully sent. Tokens identified by illegal_token are those failed to be sent
7538Some token parameters are incorrect
7539The number of tokens must be 1 when a synchronization message is sent
7540Incorrect message structure
7541The message expiration time is earlier than the current time
7542The collapse_key message field is invalid
7543The message contains sensitive information
7544OAuth authentication error
7545OAuth token expired
7546The current app does not have the permission to send push messages
7547All tokens are invalid
7548The message body size exceeds the default value
7549The number of tokens in the message body exceeds the default value
7550You are not authorized to send high-priority notification messages
7551System internal error
7560Request parameters were invalid.Returns when any invalid value is given for any parameter in request body.
7562The authenticated sender ID is different from the sender ID for the registration token.Returned when push token of one app is used to send push notification for another app.
7563Sending limit exceeded for the message target.This error may result from exceeding either the overall message rate limit for an App asset or the device-specific limit. FCM has not documented these limits, however it recomends to employ an exponential back-off to resolve this error.
7564The server is overloaded.Returned when FCM server is overloaded. FCM has not documented any rate limits, however it recomends to employ an exponential back-off to resolve this error.
7565An unknown internal error occurred.Returned when the FCM server encounters an error while trying to process the request.
7566APNs certificate or web push auth key was invalid or missing.Returned by FCM when APNS certificate or web push auth key is either missing or invalid in your FCM project. To resolve this issue, please update your APNs certificate in your FCM project.
7569Request not authenticated due to missing, invalid, or expired OAuth token.The authentication token passed by 'Webex Connect' while submitting a push notification request to FCM was either invalid or expired.
7570Client does not have sufficient permission. This can happen because the OAuth token does not have the right scopes, the client does not have permission, or the API has not been enabled.Please be aware that any modification or deletion of scopes in the Google Cloud Service account can lead to this error. By default, Webex Connect adds the required scopes when generating an OAuth token.

Additionally, users must verify that the HTTP v1 API is enabled within their Firebase project settings.
7571Unregistered error returned from the FCM.Returned by FCM when the token used is no longer valid and a new one must be used.
7577Unknown server error. Typically a server bug.Returned when an unknown server error occurs in the FCM server.
7578API method not implemented by the server.This occurs when a particular method is not working on the Google servers.


Status CodeDescription
7000Invalid input details - JSON
7006Internal server error
7010Service provider exception
7011Unknown Exception
7301Message expired
7307Endpoint not reachable
7740Invalid media details
7318General Bad Request error for everything not caught in the specific error below
7319Not Found
7320Invalid JSON
7321Invalid JSON Content (bad field, invalid phone number)
7322Provider not configured for chatbot
7323Unable to locate carrier for the recipient
7324Max TPS reached
7325Unauthorized access
7326Internal System Error
7327External System error
7328Pass the error detail we have as error
7329Carrier lookup process failure
7330Includes: details from MaaP
7331Rate limited at MaaP and retries expired
7334MaaP returned a Failure IMDN


Status CodeDescriptionDetailsDelivery Status
7500DeliveredReturned when the message is transmitted to the destination network and confirmation of delivery is provided from the mobile handset.

If the recipient did not receive the message, it may be due to spam, sender ID filters, or a corrupt or malformed message payload the handset was unable to process.
7501SubmittedReturned when the message has is in an interim status indicating submission to network provider, prior to it being actually delivered to the handsetSubmitted
7004Invalid parameters/ValuesReturned when an invalid value or parameters are providedFailed
7006Internal server errorReturned when the message failed at the gateway and was not transmitted to the destination operator. This is may be an intermittent temporary errorFailed
7101Invalid Sender IDReturned when the sender is not authorized or configured at the destination operator or the wrong sender Id is being used for this requestFailed
7102Invalid addressReturned when the address is invalidFailed
7109User in DnDReturned when the user is registered on Do Not Disturb listUn-Delivered
7201Delivery failed at OperatorReturned when the message was routed to the operator but was rejected for various network-specific reasons (temp. failure or other network related issue)Un-Delivered
7202Delivery failed at platformReturned when the delivery failed at platformUn-Delivered
7203Unknown Subscriber addressReturned when the number is an invalid mobile number on the destination network. This may indicate the subscriber is no longer valid, the number has ported away, or may have service blocks preventing message deliveryUn-Delivered
7204Insufficient Credits in subscriber accountReturned when a message is sent to a prepaid mobile subscriber who no longer has a credit balance on their SIM card and can no longer receive messagesUn-Delivered
7205Error in Binary messageReturned when there is an error in binary message.Un-Delivered
7206Can't deliver. Subscriber SIM FullReturned when the subscribers SIM is fullUn-Delivered
7207Subscriber out of coverage area or not reachableReturned when the subscriber is out of coverage areaUn-Delivered
7208Message expiredReturned when the message could not be delivered to the handset and exceeded its delivery time limit. This occurs when a subscriber has their handset turned off, or handset has no more memory to accept messagesUn-Delivered
7209Unable to deliver multipart messageReturned when the message was sent as a multi-part message (either a long text message more than 160 chars which is split into multiple parts, or a message with specific character encoding) to the network destination and one or more of the parts was returned undeliverable. The specific error for the non-delivery is not disclosed and all parts of the message will be flagged with this error codeUn-Delivered
7210Billing Configuration errorReturned when there is an error in billing configuration.This may be caused by an unexpected network destination, or due to a provisioning error.Un-Delivered
7211Billing error at operatorReturned when message could not be delivered as network operator has indicated there was a billing related errorUn-Delivered

In addition to the existing SMS error codes, client tenants hosted in the United States and Canada regions have these additional error codes for SMS:

Status CodeDescriptionDetailsDelivery Status
7111Spam content detectedReturned when the network operator has rejected this message as spam. Subsequent messages to the recipient may or may not be delivered depending on the underlying cause:
-The sender ID has exceeded or violated carrier rules on message velocity (too many messages to the same recipient, too many messages from the same sender ID with sender ID restrictions).
-The message content was marked as spam due to detected keywords.
-The message was flagged for linking to websites suspected of spam or fraud.
-The message content contained URL-shortening services that the network operator may have banned
7280Message deletedReturned when a network operator deletes the message for technical reasons related to network performance.Un-Delivered
7281Campaign errorReturned when the Sender ID (phone number) is not registered with an approved 10 DLC brand and campaign ID with the campaign registry and is blocked from transmitting messages to the operator.

This could be caused by a missing configuration for the sender ID, the sender ID has changed or some other campaign-related error has occurred during submission.
7282Invalid routeReturned when no valid route could be determined. The operator might not be supported or the number flagged as non-wireless (landline).Un-Delivered
7283Invalid operator or landlineReturned when the operator is not valid or the number is flagged as non-wireless (landline).Un-Delivered
7284Duplicate MT (caught by Duplication Guard)Returned when message caught by duplicate guardUn-Delivered
7302Rate limit exceededReturned when the sender ID used to send traffic has exceeded its authorized TPS limit. 10 DLC registered numbers which are subject to rate limits will return such errors when exceeding the limits associated with their approved campaign IDs. The limits may be network operator, campaign or sender ID related. There could also be other throughput restrictions.

Please note that campaign and brand limits apply across service providers and are shared by the brand and/or campaign – ensure that when using multiple service providers, you are not exceeding the limits across those providers.
7513Unregistered deviceReturned when the device is unregistered
-The device inbox may be full at the device or network operator.
-The device has been marked as busy by the network operator.
-The device may have been flooded with messages and further submission to the device is not possible.
7518UnknownReturned when an unknown error occurs.
The message may or may not have been delivered, but no additional information is available from the network operator.
7607Invalid message typeReturned when the Message type is not accepted by the operator (like Binary messages, or unicode)Un-Delivered
7720Recipient blocked to receive messaeReturned when the recipient subscriber or operator is blocked to receive messages.Un-Delivered


7000Invalid JSON
7003Dynamic Format - “Mandatory parameter missing: {{parameter}}”
7004Dynamic Format - “Invalid parameter: {{parameter}}”
7127Source IP not in the allowed list
7016Unknown exception
7020You have reached maximum transaction limit
7101Invalid sender ID
7102Invalid destination address
7104Invalid app ID
8009The profile doesn’t exist for this tenant
7107Message length exceeded
7108Invalid template ID
7126Invalid content type
7009Maximum number of destinations reached
7022JSON size exceeded
7005Request expired
7519Call answered

Voice - Logbook Error Codes

Error CodeDescriptionDetails
1001Address Incomplete(Request-URI incomplete)Call was rejected by User as the phone was busy
1003User doest not existCall was rejected by User as the phone was busy
1005User switched offCall was not answered by User as the phone was switched off
1007OBD-TimeoutCall was not answered by User as the phone was switched off
2001No Service Configured for shortcodeCall was not answered by User as the shortcode service was not configured
2002No answer from end userCall was not answered by the user
2003Subscriber Busy / Line is BusyCall was not asnwered by User as the phone was busy
2005End user Call dropped by PlatformCall dropped by the platform
2006End user Call Rejected by PlatformOthers, Call dropped due to internal error
3000End user call dropped with unknown ErrorUsers' call was dropped due to unknown reason
3002No response from Network / SIP Server TimeoutTimedout due to no reponse from the network
1010Number not in service/ Invalid NumberCustomers number is not valid or not in service
1002Call has been rejected by the receiverCall was rejected by User as the user was busy
2008Call Dropped by Network/End userCall disconnected
1011Call media capabilities Not AcceptableOthers, Call dropped due to internal error
1009Malformed RequestOthers, Call dropped due to internal error
1012Number not supported / Invalid End User NumberCustomers number is not valid or not in service
1013Server received a request that does not match any dialog or transactionOthers, Call dropped due to internal error
1008The server did not understand an event package specifiedOthers, Call dropped due to internal error
Other 1000, 2000, 3000 seriesCall dropped due to internal errorCall dropped due to internal error


Error descriptions for each state are sent in additional info in the webhook

Status CodeDescriptionDetails
7500DeliveredReturned when the message is delivered to the destination WhatsApp number.
7501SubmittedMessage submitted to WhatsApp for delivery.
7502ReadMessage read by the recipient.
7010Service provider exceptionPlease refer to additional info object, part of the failed DR payload for more details. The error codes scenarios are captured in the following Meta documentations: Cloud API error codes and On-Premises API error code .

131026 and 1026
Marketing template message user limit has reached, refer template page for more details. Cloud API will return error code 131026 and On-Premises API will return error code 1026.
7011Unknown Exception
7701Media download errorFailed to download the media from the sender.
7703Business eligibility - Payment issue
7704Message is not validMessage failed to send because it was pending for too long.
7705Message expiredMessage failed to send during its Time To Live (TTL) duration.
7706Rate limit hitMessage failed to send because there were too many messages sent from this phone number in a short period of time.
Resend the failed messages.
7707 Unsigned certificateIncorrect certificate. Message failed to send due to a phone number registration error.
7710Re-engagement messageMessage failed to send because more than 24 hours have passed since the customer last replied to this number. Use a message template to respond.
7711Spam Rate limit hitMessage failed to send because there are restrictions on how many messages can be sent from this phone number. This may be because too many previous messages were blocked or flagged as spam. Check your quality status in the WhatsApp Manager.
7712User's number is part of an experimentFailed to send a message because this user's phone number is part of an experiment.

Skip sending messages to this user.
7713 Generic errorMessage failed to send due to an unknown error. Try again. If the error persists reach out to your support contact to raise a ticket with WhatsApp.
7714Message too longLength of the message exceeds 4096 characters.
7715Invalid recipient typeThe recipient type is not valid.
7717Resource already existsPossible UUID conflict for media upload request or media with that UUID already exists.
7721Required parameter is missing
7722Parameter value is not valid. The namespace does not correspond to the WABA id.Value entered for a parameter is of the wrong type or other problem.
7723Parameter is not requiredContains a parameter that is not required.
7726User is not valid
7727Internal errorMedia upload failed due to bad image (image not uploaded correctly) or endpoint containing media was not found
7729System overloadedOn-Premises system is under heavy load, wait for some time before trying again to allow the system to recover from the load.
7730Not Primary MasterRetrying the request should resolve this error. If this does not resolve the error, reach out to your support contact.
7731Not Primary CoreappRetrying the request should resolve this error. If this does not resolve the error, reach out to your support contact.
7733Bad UserSender and recipient phone number is the same. Send a message to a phone number different from the sender.
7736Generic error
7802A user_identity_changedsystem notification requires acknowledgementYou sent a message to a WhatsApp user who has potentially changed, please re-authenticate the customer and reach out to your support contact to initiate acknowledgement with WhatsApp.
7803Sender account has been lockedYour account has been locked to send any messages due to an integrity policy violation. See WhatsApp Business Platform Policy Enforcement for information.
7804Template Param Count MismatchThe number of variable parameter values included in the request did not match the number of variable parameters defined in the template. See Message Template Guidelines and make sure the request includes all of the variable parameter values that have been defined in the template.
7805Template MissingTemplate status is not active, or template does not exist for a language and locale.
7808Template Param Length Too LongParameter length too long
7809 Template Hydrated Text Too LongTranslated text too long
7811Template Format Character Policy ViolatedTemplate content violates a WhatsApp policy. See Rejection Reasons to determine possible reasons for violation.
7812 Template Required Component MissingRequired component in the Template is missing
7813 Template Invalid Hydrated URLURL in button component of a Template is invalid
7814Template Media Format UnsupportedMedia format used in a Template is unsupported.
7815Template Invalid Phone NumberPhone Number in Template button component is invalid
7816Template Parameter Format MismatchVariable parameter values are formatted incorrectly. The variable parameter values included in the request are not using the format specified in the template. See Message Template Guidelines.
7819Invalid number of sectionsList Message request contains below minimum or above the maximum number of sections. You need to have at least 1 section object and you can have up to 10.
7820Invalid number of rowsThere is an invalid number of rows. For List Messages, there must be at least one rows object per section.
7820Invalid number of rowsThere is an invalid number of rows. For List Messages, there must be at least one rows object per section.
7821Character Policy ViolatedFormat character policy has been violated.
7830Invalid Header StructureReturned when the header object structure is invalid.
7832AuthException. We were unable to authenticate the app user.Typically this means the Connect app access token has expired, been invalidated, or the user has changed a setting to prevent people from accessing their data. Reach out to you support contact for re-establishing the app.
7833API Unknown. Invalid request or possible server error.Reach out to your support contact and request to check the WhatsApp Business Platform Status page and check API status information before trying again.
7834API Service. Temporary due to downtime or due to being overloaded.Reach out to your support contact and request to check the WhatsApp Business Platform Status page and check API status information before trying again.
7835API Method. Capability or permissions issue.Reach out to your support contact to resolve the issue.
7836API Too Many CallsTry again later or reduce the frequency or amount of messages being sent
7837API Permission Denied. Permission is either not granted or has been removed.Reach out to your support contact to resolve the issue.
7838Parameter is invalid. The request included one or more unsupported or misspelled parameters.The request included one or more unsupported or misspelled parameters.
7839Access token has expiredReach out to you support contact for re-establishing the WhatsApp app
7840Permission is either not granted or has been removed.Reach out to your support contact for resolve the issue.
7842Temporarily blocked for policies violationsThe WhatsApp Business Account associated with the app has been restricted or disabled for violating a platform policy. See the Policy Enforcement document to learn about policy violations and how to resolve them.
7845Rate limit hit. Cloud API message throughput has been reached.The app has reached the API's throughput limit. See Throughput. Try again later or reduce the frequency with which the app sends messages.
7846 Service OverloadedReach out to your support contact and request to check the WhatsApp Business Platform Status page and check API status information before trying again.
7849Template does not existThe template does not exist in the specified language or the template has not been approved. Make sure your template has been approved and the template name and language locale are correct.
7854Server Temporarily UnavailableReach out to your support contact and request to check the WhatsApp Business Platform Status page and check API status information before trying again.
7860Account has been lockedThe WhatsApp Business Account associated with the app has been restricted or disabled for violating a WhatsApp platform policy. See the Policy Enforcement document to learn about policy violations and how to resolve them.
7861Unsupported mime typeWhatsApp was unable to upload the media used in the message. Please check if its MIME type is correct and is supported.
7862Hash mismatchReturned when there is a mismatch in the customer’s hash key due to potential identity change.
7863Generic user errorMessage delivery failed because of an unknown error with your request parameters. Contact the Support team if you continue receiving this error code in the response.
7865Phone number Not RegisteredPhone number is not registered on the WhatsApp Business Platform.
7868Template is DisabledTemplate has been paused too many times due to low quality , and is now permanently disabled.
7869Template is PausedTemplate is paused due to low quality so it cannot be sent in a template message.
7870Business Account in maintenance modeThe WhatsApp Business Account is in maintenance mode. One reason for this could be that the account is undergoing a throughput upgrade.
7871Message UndeliverableUnable to deliver message. Reasons can include:

- The recipient phone number is not a WhatsApp phone number.

- Sending an authentication template to a WhatsApp user who has a +91 country calling code (India). Authentication templates currently cannot be sent to WhatsApp users in India.

- Recipient has not accepted our new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

- Recipient is using an old WhatsApp version; must use the following WhatsApp version or greater:

- Android:


- iOS:


- KaiOS: 2.2130.10

- Web: 2.2132.6

- The message was not delivered to create a high quality user experience. See Per-User Marketing Template Message Limits .
7872User's number is part of an experimentMessage was not sent as it is part of WhatsApp experiment .
7874(Business Account, Consumer Account) pair rate limit hitToo many messages sent from the sender phone number to the same recipient phone number in a short period of time

Contact Policy-integrated Error Codes

The error codes listed below are common across all Contact Policy-integrated channels. They are applicable only when Contact Policy block has been used when sending outbound messages or calls.

Status CodeMessageDescription
9000Contact policy not enabledContact policy is not enabled.
9001Contact policy inputs requiredWhen the client is enabled with Contact Policy and the request doesn’t have all the required parameters to serve. For example, when a request sent does not have the Contact Policy Group parameter, this error message is returned.
9002Recipient has not consented to messageThe recipient has not provided consent to the received message.
9003Requested consumer was not found in groupThe requested consumer was not found in the group.
9004Unable to reach Contact Policy Service, please try again laterContact Policy Service is not reachable.
9005Invalid or unknown group ID or channelThe Group ID or Channel referred to, is invalid or unknown.
9006Frequency cap: Recipient has exceeded frequency capYou have exceeded the configured contact frequency cap/limit.
9007Frequency cap: The group was not foundThe referred group was not found.
9010Consent check failed, customer consent expiredThe consent check has failed as the customer consent has expired.