
Enum class represents different types of in-app messages.

The Enum class represents different types of in-app messages.

MESSAGEmessageIt indicates that the message is normal.
MESSAGE_DELETEDmessageDeletedIt indicates that the message is deleted.
DELIVERY_RECEIPTdeliveryReceiptIt indicates that the message is a delivery receipt.
READ_RECEIPTreadReceiptIt indicates that the message is a read receipt.
REPUBLISHrepublishIt indicates that the message is republished.
ALERTalertIt indicates that the message is an alert message.
TYPING_STARTtypingStartIt indicates that the message is a typing start message.
TYPING_STOPtypingStopIt indicates that the message is a typing stop message.
THREAD_UPDATEthreadUpdateIt indicates that the message is a thread updated.
CLICKED_RECEIPTclickedReceiptIt indicates that the message is a thread delete message.

Companion Functions


Converts a string to the corresponding InAppMessageType.

Syntax: fun fromValue(value: String): InAppMessageType?

Return: The InAppMessageType corresponding to the given string value. null if no matching message type is found.


valueStringThe string represents the message type.