iOS Core SDK (Modular)
The WebexConnectCore
Module is the foundation of Webex Connect SDK. It provides essential functionality that all other modules depend on, including initialization, configuration, registration and shared utilities. Automatically included in the other modules.
The WebexConnect Core SDK serves as the primary interface for managing the lifecycle of the SDK, encompassing a wide range of functionalities. It allows for starting and shutting down the SDK, thereby managing its initialization and teardown. Additionally, it handles device profile management by providing capabilities to register, unregister, retrieve, and update device profiles. It also supports user registration checks to determine if the SDK is started or if a user is registered. It includes features for updating and removing device profile parameters, publishing custom events to the platform, and managing various configuration options within the SDK. Furthermore, it ensures security by setting security tokens and supports logging by configuring custom loggers, making it a comprehensive tool for SDK lifecycle management.
Core SDK Classes/Protocols/Enums
Below is the table with the Core SDK Classes/Protocols/Enums and their descriptions:
Class/Protocol/Enums Name | Description |
WebexConnect | The WebexConnect protocol defines the primary interface for managing the lifecycle of the SDK. |
Config | This struct holds the configuration information that is used to initialize the SDK. |
DeviceProfile | The DeviceProfile represents the profile of a device associated with a user in the application. It contains various properties that store information related to the device, and user. An DeviceProfileinstance should be instantiated to register a device profile. |
Logger | The Logger protocol defines a basic interface for implementing loggers in the system. It provides methods for logging messages with a specified log type, tag, and message. |
Console Logger | The ConsoleLogger class implements the Logger protocol that logs messages to the console. |
Environment | The Environment struct represents the environments in which an application can operate. This struct is used to specify the target server domain based on the environment. |
SecurityTokenErrorDelegate | The delegate interface for security token error events. |
ErrorCode | This enumeration describes different error codes of the SDK. |
DeviceProfileParam | This enumeration describes the different device profile parameters supported for update and remove operations. |
Below is the table with the WebexConnect methods and their descriptions
Methods | Description |
startup() | This method initializes the SDK, reading configuration from the configuration file (IMIconnect.plist). |
startup(config:completionHandler) | This method initializes the SDK using the passed configuration. |
startup(with:launchOptions:) | This method initializes the SDK using the passed configuration options. An error can be passed in parameters, which will be set if something goes wrong during the startup process. |
shutdown() | This method is used to clean up the SDK, freeing all internal object instances. Invoking this method will stop the SDK features from functioning as such Real-Time Messages and Push notifications. |
isStarted | This method is used to check if the SDK is started. |
register(deviceProfile:completionHandler) | This method registers the device profile with the SDK, and sends the profile details to Webex Connect platform. Once a profile is registered, all further SDK calls take place in the context of that profile. |
deviceProfile | This method retrieves the currently registered device profile. |
isRegistered | This method is used to check whether the user is currently registered with Webex Connect. This method returns true if the user is registered, else false is returned. |
unregister(completionHandler:) | This method unregisters the current device profile. |
sdkVersion() | This method retrieves the SDK version number. |
setSecurityToken(_:) | This method is used to set security token to provide better access control for user-centric resources. This method allows developers to specify the Security Token that the SDK will pass to the Gateway API calls. |
registerSecurityTokenErrorDelegate(:) | This method allows developers to register an object which implements the SecurityTokenExceptionListener interface to listen for Security Token related exceptions which occur from internal (indirect) Gateway API calls. |
unregisterSecurityTokenErrorDelegate (:) | This method unregisters a listener from handling security token errors. |
updateProfile(param:with:completionHandler:) | This method updates the device profile parameter identified by DeviceProfileParam with a new value. |
removeProfile(param:completionHandler:) | This methods removes the current userId or customerId from the device profile. |
publishEvent(event:completionHandler:) | This method publishes your custom events info to the Webex Connect platform. |
setLogger(_:) | Sets a logger for the SDK. Use this method to configure the SDK with a logger implementation. You have the option to choose between a ConsoleLogger for immediate console output or a FileLogger for storing log messages in a file. |
Below is the table with the Config methods and their descriptions
Methods | Description |
init(appId: clientKey: serverDomain: environment:) | Initialises an Config instance with the provided information. |
init(appId: String, clientKey: String, serverDomain: String? = nil, environment: Environment = .UK) | Initialises an Config instance with the provided information. |
Below is the table with the DeviceProfile methods and their descriptions
Methods | Description |
init(deviceId:userId::isGuest:) | This initializer method is used to create an instance of the DeviceProfile with the provided parameters. |
defaultDeviceId() | Returns the default device ID. |
Below is the table with the Logger methods and their descriptions
Methods | Description |
log(logType:tag:message:args:) | Logs a message with the specified log type, tag, message, and optional arguments. |
shouldLog(logType:) | Checks if the logger should log a message with the specified log type. |
Console Logger
Below is the table with the Console Logger methods and their descriptions
Methods | Description |
init(logType:) | Initializes a logger with the specified log type. |
log(logType:tag:message:args:) | Logs a message with the specified log type, tag, message, and optional arguments. |
shouldLog(logType:) | Checks if the logger should log a message with the specified log type. |
File Logger
Below is the table with the File Logger methods and their descriptions
init(filter:outputDir:retentionDays:) | Creates a FileLogger instance with the specified parameters. |
log(logType:tag:message:args:) | Logs a message with the specified log type, tag, message, and optional arguments. |
shouldLog(logType:) | Checks if the logger should log a message with the specified log type. |
Below is the table with the Environment methods and their descriptions
Methods | Description |
init(rawValue:) | Initializes an Environment instance with the provided raw value. |
Methods | Description |
didReceiveTokenError(error:) | Called when a security token error occurs. |
This class contains the methods to initialize the SDK and register a user. When integrating the SDK into your app, it is mandatory to use this class to initialize the SDK.
This method initializes the SDK, reading configuration from the configuration file (IMIconnect.plist).
Syntax: func startup(completionHandler: @escaping @escaping (Error?) -> Void)
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
completionHandler | @escaping @escaping (Error?) | A closure to be executed once the startup is complete. The closure takes an optional Error parameter and returns no value. |
Sample Code
let webexConnect = WebexConnectProvider.instance
webexConnect.startup { error in
if error == nil {
print("sdk started")
} else {
print("startup failed", error?.localizedDescription ?? "")
id<WebexConnect> webexConnect = [WebexConnectProvider instance];
[webexConnect startupWithCompletionHandler:^(NSError * error) {
if (error == nil) {
NSLog(@"SDK started");
} else {
NSLog(@"Startup failed: %@", error.localizedDescription ?: @"");
This method initializes the SDK using the passed configuration.
Syntax func startup(config: Config, completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void)
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
config | Config | The config object containing the appId, the clientKey, the server environment, and the group Identifier. |
completionHandler | @escaping (Error?) | A closure to be executed once the startup is complete. The closure takes an optional Error parameter and returns no value. |
Throws | An error if an issue occurs during startup. |
Sample Code
let webexConnect = WebexConnectProvider.instance
let config = Config.init(appId: "appID", clientKey: "clientKey")
webexConnect.startup(config: config) { error in
if error == nil {
print("sdk started")
} else {
print("startup failed", error?.localizedDescription ?? "")
id<WebexConnect> webexConnect = [WebexConnectProvider instance];
Config *config = [[Config alloc] initWithAppId:@"appID" clientKey:@"clientKey" serverDomain:nil environment: Environment.UK];
[webexConnect startupWithConfig:config completionHandler:^(NSError * error) { if (error == nil) {
NSLog(@"SDK started");
} else {
NSLog(@"Startup failed: %@", error.localizedDescription ?: @"");
This method initializes the SDK using the passed configuration options. An error can be passed in parameters, which will be set if something goes wrong during the startup process. This method is mandatory if IMIconnectConfiguration.plist is not used.
Syntax: func startup(config: Config?, launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?, connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions?, completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void)
Parameter | Type | Description |
config | Config? | The config object containing the appId, the clientKey, the server environment, and the group Identifier. |
launchOptions | [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]? | The launch options passed from Application’s didFinishLaunching method. |
connectionOptions | UIScene.ConnectionOptions? | An optional UIScene.ConnectionOptions object containing information about the options used to connect a scene, relevant in apps using the modern UIScene-based lifecycle. |
completionHandler | @escaping (Error?) | A closure to be executed once the startup is complete. The closure takes an optional Error parameter and returns no value. |
Sample Code:
let webexConnect = WebexConnectProvider.instance
let config = Config.init(appId: "appID", clientKey: "clientKey")
webexConnect.startup(config: config, launchOptions: nil, connectionOptions: nil) { error in
if error == nil {
print("sdk started")
} else {
print("startup failed", error?.localizedDescription ?? "")
id<WebexConnect> webexConnect = [WebexConnectProvider instance];
Config *config = [[Config alloc] initWithAppId:@"appID" clientKey:@"clientKey" serverDomain:nil environment: Environment.UK];
[webexConnect startupWithConfig:config launchOptions:nil connectionOptions:nil completion:^(NSError *error) {
if (error == nil) {
NSLog(@"SDK started");
} else {
NSLog(@"Startup failed: %@", error.localizedDescription ?: @"");
This method is used to clean up the SDK, freeing all internal object instances. Invoking this method will stop the SDK features from functioning as such Real-Time Messages and Push notifications.
Syntax func shutdown(completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void)
Usage of this method is not required unless there are a few limited cases where you may wish to use it; for example, if you are only using the Authentication or Monitoring features.
Parameter | Type | Description |
completionHandler | @escaping (Error?) | A closure to be executed once the shutdown is complete. The closure takes an optional Error parameter and returns no value. |
Sample Code:
let webexConnect = WebexConnectProvider.instance
webexConnect.shutdown { error in
if error == nil {
print("sdk shut down")
} else {
print("shut down failed", error?.localizedDescription ?? "")
id<WebexConnect> webexConnect = [WebexConnectProvider instance];
[webexConnect shutdown:^(NSError *error) {
if (error == nil) {
NSLog(@"SDK shut down");
} else {
NSLog(@"Shut down failed: %@", error.localizedDescription ?: @"");
This method is used to check if the SDK is started.
Syntax var isStarted: Bool { get }
Return Value: True if the client is started, False otherwise
Sample Code
let webexConnect = WebexConnectProvider.instance
let started = webexConnect.isStarted
id<WebexConnect> webexConnect = [WebexConnectProvider instance];
BOOL started = [webexConnect isStarted];
This method registers the device profile with the SDK, and sends the profile details to Webex Connect platform. Once a profile is registered, all further SDK calls take place in the context of that profile.
Syntax: func register(deviceProfile: DeviceProfile, completionHandler:@escaping ([String: Any]?, Error?) -> Void)
Parameter | Type | Description |
deviceProfile | DeviceProfile | The device profile to be registered. |
completionHandler | @escaping ([String: Any]? | A completionHandler that will be called when a response from the server is received. The response will contain the current appType (none,rt,push or both) |
Sample Code:
let webexConnect = WebexConnectProvider.instance
var deviceProfile = DeviceProfile(deviceId: DeviceProfile.defaultDeviceId(), userId: "userID")
webexConnect.register(deviceProfile: deviceProfile) { response, error in
print("register response:\(String(describing: response)), error:", error ?? "")
id<WebexConnect> webexConnect = [WebexConnectProvider instance];
DeviceProfile *deviceProfile = [[DeviceProfile alloc] initWithDeviceId:[DeviceProfile defaultDeviceId] userId:@”userID”];
[webexConnect registerWithDeviceProfile:deviceProfile completion:^(id response, NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Register response: %@, error: %@", response ?: @"nil", error.localizedDescription ?: @"nil");
This method retrieves the currently registered device profile.
Syntax var deviceProfile: DeviceProfile? { get }
Return Value: The current registered device profile.
Sample Code:
let webexConnect = WebexConnectProvider.instance
let deviceProfile = webexConnect.deviceProfile
id<WebexConnect> webexConnect = [WebexConnectProvider instance];
DeviceProfile * deviceProfile = [webexConnect deviceProfile];
This method is used to check whether the user is currently registered with Webex Connect. This method returns true
if the user is registered, else false
is returned.
Syntax: var isRegistered: Bool { get }
Return Value: True
if the user is currently registered.
Sample Code:
let webexConnect = WebexConnectProvider.instance
let isRegistered = webexConnect. isRegistered
id<WebexConnect> webexConnect = [WebexConnectProvider instance];
BOOL isRegistered = [webexConnect isRegistered];
The SDK automatically unregisters the app user if the app isn't opened for over 40 days. To ensure a seamless user experience, always check if the user is registered by calling isRegistered whenever the app launches, and if not registered, register the user with register. For further details of the profile clean up process, including how profiles are deemed inactive, please see this article.
This method unregisters the current device profile.
Syntax func unregister(completionHandler: @escaping ([String: Any]?, Error?) -> Void)
Parameter | Type | Description |
completionHandler | @escaping ([String: Any]?, Error?) | A completionHandler that will be called when a response from the server is received. |
Features that rely on a registered user will no longer function after this has been called.
Sample Code:
let webexConnect = WebexConnectProvider.instance
webexConnect.unregister { response, error in
print("unregister response:(String(describing: response)), error:", error ?? "")
id<WebexConnect> webexConnect = [WebexConnectProvider instance];
[webexConnect unregisterWithCompletion:^(id response, NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Unregister response: %@, error: %@", response ?: @"nil", error.localizedDescription ?: @"nil");
This method retrieves the SDK version number.
Syntax: var sdkVersion: String { get }
Return Value: A string representing the version number of the SDK.
Sample Code:
let webexConnect = WebexConnectProvider.instance
let sdkVersion = webexConnect. sdkVersion
id<WebexConnect> webexConnect = [WebexConnectProvider instance];
String *sdkVersion = [webexConnect sdkVersion];
This method is used to set security token to provide better access control for user-centric resources. This method allows developers to specify the Security Token that the SDK will pass to the Gateway API calls.
Syntax: func setSecurityToken(_ token: String)
Parameter | Type | Description |
token | String | Specifies the token which is generated from jwt token API. |
Sample Code:
let webexConnect = WebexConnectProvider.instance
webexConnect.setSecurityToken(“Your security Token”)
id<WebexConnect> webexConnect = [WebexConnectProvider instance];
String *sdkVersion = [webexConnect sdkVersion];
This method allows developers to register an object which implements the SecurityTokenExceptionListener interface to listen for Security Token related exceptions which occur from internal (indirect) Gateway API calls.
Syntax func registerSecurityTokenErrorDelegate(_ delegate: SecurityTokenErrorDelegate)
delegate | SecurityTokenErrorDelegate | An object conforming to the SecurityTokenErrorDelegate protocol that will receive error notifications related to security tokens. |
Sample Code:
let webexConnect = WebexConnectProvider.instance
id<WebexConnect> webexConnect = [WebexConnectProvider instance];
[webexConnect registerSecurityTokenErrorDelegate:self];
unregisterSecurityTokenErrorDelegate (:)
This method unregisters a listener from handling security token errors.
Syntax func unregisterSecurityTokenErrorDelegate(_ delegate: SecurityTokenErrorDelegate)
Parameter | Type | Description |
delegate | SecurityTokenErrorDelegate | An object conforming to the SecurityTokenErrorDelegate protocol that to be removed from the list of delegates. |
Sample Code
let webexConnect = WebexConnectProvider.instance
id<WebexConnect> webexConnect = [WebexConnectProvider instance];
[webexConnect unregisterSecurityTokenErrorDelegate:self];
This method updates the device profile parameter identified by DeviceProfileParam with a new value.
Syntax func updateProfile(param: DeviceProfileParam, with value: String, completionHandler: @escaping ([String: Any]?, Error?) -> Void)
Parameter | Type | Description |
param | DeviceProfileParam | A DeviceProfileParam value representing the specific parameter to update (e.g., userId, customerId). |
value | String | The new value for the specified device profile parameter. |
completionHandler | @escaping ([String: Any]?, Error?) | A completionHandler that will be called when a response from the server is received. |
Precondition: This method can be used only if the SDK is already started and the device profile is registered.
Sample Code:
let webexConnect = WebexConnectProvider.instance
webexConnect.updateProfile(param: .userId, with: "newUserId") {
response, error in
print("update profile response:\(String(describing: response)), error:", error ?? "")
id<WebexConnect> webexConnect = [WebexConnectProvider instance];
[webexConnect updateProfileWithParam:DeviceProfileParamUserId value:@"newUserId" completion:^(id response, NSError *error)
{ NSLog(@"Update profile response: %@, error: %@", response ?: @"nil", error.localizedDescription ?: @"nil");
This methods removes the current userId or customerId from the device profile.
Syntax: func removeProfile(param: DeviceProfileParam, completionHandler: @escaping ([String: Any]?, Error?) -> Void)
Parameter | Type | Description |
param | DeviceProfileParam | A DeviceProfileParam value representing the specific parameter to remove (e.g., userId, customerId). |
completionHandler | @escaping ([String: Any]?, Error?) | A completionHandler that will be called when a response from the server is received. |
Precondition: This method can be used only if the SDK is already started and the device profile is registered
Sample Code:
let webexConnect = WebexConnectProvider.instance
webexConnect.removeProfile(param: .userId) { response, error in
print("remove profile response:\(String(describing: response)), error:", error ?? "")
id<WebexConnect> webexConnect = [WebexConnectProvider instance];
[webexConnect removeProfileWithParam:DeviceProfileParamUserId completion:^(id response, NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Remove profile response: %@, error: %@", response ?: @"nil", error.localizedDescription ?: @"nil");
This method publishes your custom events info to the Webex Connect platform.
Syntax: func publishEvent(_ event: [String: Any], completionHandler: @escaping ([String: Any]?, Error?) -> Void)
Parameter | Type | Description |
event | [String: Any] | The eventParams for custom params which needs to be published. |
completionHandler | @escaping ([String: Any]?, Error?) | A completionHandler that will be called when a response from the server is received. |
Precondition:This method can be used only if the SDK is already started and the device profile is registered.
Sample Code:
let webexConnect = WebexConnectProvider.instance
let eventJson = ["name": "sample"]
webexConnect.publishEvent(eventJson) { response, error in
print("publish event response:\(String(describing: response)), error:", error ?? "")
id<WebexConnect> webexConnect = [WebexConnectProvider instance];
NSDictionary *eventJson = @{"name": "sample"}; // Replace with your actual JSON dictionary [webexConnect publishEvent:eventJson completion:^(id response, NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Publish event response: %@, error: %@", response ?: @"nil", error.localizedDescription ?: @"nil");
Sets a logger for the SDK. Use this method to configure the SDK with a logger implementation. You have the option to choose between a ConsoleLogger for immediate console output or a FileLogger for storing log messages in a file.
Syntax: func setLogger(_ logger: Logger)
Parameter | Type | Description |
logger | Logger | A custom logger conforming to the Logger protocol. |
Sample Code:
let webexConnect = WebexConnectProvider.instance
let logDirectoryURL = //Your log Directory URL
let retentionDays = // Your retention Days
let fileLogger = FileLogger.create(filter: .fault, outputDir: logDirectoryURL, retentionDays: retentionDays)
WebexConnect *webexConnect = [WebexConnectProvider instance];
NSURL *logDirectoryURL = // Your log directory URL here
NSInteger retentionDays = // Your retention days here
FileLogger *fileLogger = [FileLogger createWithFilter:LogLevelFault outputDir:logDirectoryURL retentionDays:retentionDays];
[webexConnect setLogger:fileLogger];
This class holds the configuration information that is used to initialize the SDK.
Parameter | Description |
var appId: String | It represents the unique identifier assigned to the application. |
var clientKey: String | It represents the client key used for authentication and authorization purposes with the server. |
var environment: Environment | It represents the environment in which the application will operate. The default value is set to .UK if not explicitly provided. |
var serverDomain: String? | It represents the domain or URL of the server to which the application will communicate. If not provided, the application will use a default server domain. |
var shouldRequestNotificationPermission: Bool | It Enables or disables the push notification request on registration. By default, the value is set to true. |
init(appId: clientKey: serverDomain: environment:)
Initialises an Config instance with the provided information.
Syntax: init(appId: clientKey: serverDomain: environment:)
init(appId: String, clientKey: String, serverDomain: String? = nil, environment: Environment = .UK)
Initialises an Config instance with the provided information.
Syntax: init(appId: String, clientKey: String, serverDomain: String? = nil, environment: Environment = .UK)
Parameter | Type | Description |
appId | String | It represents the unique identifier assigned to the application. |
clientKey | String | It represents the client key used for authentication and authorization purposes with the server. |
environment | Environment = .UK | It represents the environment in which the application will operate. The default value is set to .UK if not explicitly provided. |
serverDomain | String? = nil | It represents the domain or URL of the server to which the application will communicate. If not provided, the application will use a default server domain. |
requestNotificationPermission | Bool | It Enables or disables the push notification request on registration. By default, the value is set to true. |
The DeviceProfile represents the profile of a device associated with a user in the application. It contains various properties that store information related to the device, and user. An DeviceProfileinstance should be instantiated to register a device profile.
The developer can choose to register the device profile with a deviceId only or with a deviceId and an appUserId. User can generate a unique/own device ID or can choose the defaultDeviceId provided by the SDK. If the user chooses to register a device profile with the deviceId only, the backend will automatically generate an appUserId. The current device profile is accessible via the Webex Connect class.
Properties | Description |
var customerId: String? | The customer id. |
var deviceId: String | The unique identifier of the device. |
var isAppUserIdSystemGenerated: Bool | It indicates whether the appUserId is system-generated or provided by the user. |
var isGuest: Bool | It indicates whether the user is a guest user. |
var userId: String? | The app user id. |
This initializer method is used to create an instance of the DeviceProfile with the provided parameters.
Syntax: public init(deviceId: String, userId: String? = nil, isGuest: Bool = false)
Parameter | Type | Description |
deviceId | String | The unique identifier of the device |
userId | String? | The app user id |
isGuest | Bool | It indicates whether the user is a guest user |
Syntax: static func defaultDeviceId() -> String
Return Value: The default device ID.
The Logger protocol defines a basic interface for implementing loggers in the system. It provides methods for logging messages with a specified log type, tag, and message.
Syntax: protocol Logger
Logs a message with the specified log type, tag, message, and optional arguments.
Syntax: func log(logType: OSLogType, tag: String, message: String, args: [String])
Parameter | Type | Description |
logType | OSLogType | The log type indicating the severity of the message. |
tag | String | The tag for the log message. |
message | String | The log message. |
args | [String] | Optional arguments to be included in the log message. |
Checks if the logger should log a message with the specified log type.
Syntax: func shouldLog(for logType: OSLogType) -> Bool
Parameter | Type | Description |
logType | OSLogType | The log type to check. |
The log level filter for the logger.
Syntax: var filter: OSLogType { get }
Console Logger
The ConsoleLogger class implements the Logger protocol that logs messages to the console.
Syntax: class ConsoleLogger: Logger
Gets the log type currently set as the filter for the logger.
Syntax: var filter: OSLogType { get }
Return Value:The log type currently set as the filter for the logger.
Initializes a logger with the specified log type.
Syntax: init(logType: OSLogType)
Parameter | Type | Description |
logType | OSLogType | The log type to set for the logger. |
Logs a message with the specified log type, tag, message, and optional arguments.
Syntax: func log(logType: OSLogType, tag: String, message: String, args: [String])
Parameter | Type | Description |
logType | OSLogType | The log type indicating the severity of the message. |
tag | String | The tag for the log message. Defaults to the file identifier of the calling file. |
message | String | The log message. |
args | [String] | Optional arguments to be included in the log message |
Checks if the logger should log a message with the specified log type.
Syntax: func shouldLog(for logType: OSLogType) -> Bool
Parameter | Type | Description |
logType | OSLogType | The log type to check. |
File Logger
A Logger implementation that logs messages to a file.
Syntax: class FileLogger
Gets the log type currently set as the filter for the logger.
Syntax: var filter: OSLogType { get }
Return Value: The log type currently set as the filter for the logger.
Creates a FileLogger instance with the specified parameters.
Syntax:init( filter: OSLogType, outputDir: URL, retentionDays: Int)
Return Value:The created FileLogger instance.
Parameter | Type | Description |
filter | OSLogType | The log type filter determining the minimum severity level of messages to be logged. |
outputDir | URL | The URL representing the directory path for log files. |
retentionDays | Int | The number of days to retain log files. |
Logs a message with the specified log type, tag, message, and optional arguments.
Syntax: func log(logType: OSLogType, tag: String, message: String, args: [String])
Parameter | Type | Description |
logType | OSLogType | The log type indicating the severity of the message. |
tag | String | The tag for the log message. |
message | String | The log message. |
args | [String] | Optional arguments to be included in the log message. |
Checks if the logger should log a message with the specified log type.
Syntax: func shouldLog(for logType: OSLogType) -> Bool
Parameter | Type | Description |
logType | OSLogType | The log type to check. |
The Environment struct represents the environments in which an application can operate. This struct is used to specify the target server domain based on the environment.
Syntax: struct Environment
Properties | Description |
public static let UK = Environment(rawValue: "uk") | The environment for the United Kingdom. |
public static let US = Environment(rawValue: "us") | The environment for the United States. |
public static let IN = Environment(rawValue: "in") | The environment for India. |
public static let CA = Environment(rawValue: "ca") | The environment for Canada. |
public static let TC = Environment(rawValue: "tc") | The environment for Turkey. |
public static let AZURE_US = Environment(rawValue: "azure_us") | The environment for Microsoft Azure in the United States. |
public static let LDN = Environment(rawValue: "ldn") | The environment for London. |
public static let SYDNEY = Environment(rawValue: "sydney") | The environment for Sydney.static let CA: Environment |
Initializes an Environment instance with the provided raw value.
Syntax: init(rawValue: String)
Parameter | Type | Description |
rawValue | String | The raw value representing the environment. |
The delegate interface for security token error events.
Syntax: protocol SecurityTokenErrorDelegate : AnyObject
Called when a security token error occurs.
Syntax: func didReceiveTokenError(error: Error)
This enumeration describes different error codes of the SDK.
Value | Description |
notInitialized | Returned when trying to access a feature without initializing the SDK. |
alreadyInitialized | Returned when trying to initialize the SDK when it is already initialized. |
notRegistered | Returned when trying to access a feature without registering a user. |
featureNotSupported | Returned when trying to access a feature that is not supported by the app. |
invalidParameterValue | Returned when a required parameter is not passed or an invalid value has been passed to a method. |
notConnected | Returned when trying to communicate with the InApp Messaging server without establishing a connection. |
connectionFailure = 6201 | Raised when the connection to the server fails. |
publishFailed = 6202 | Raised when publishing a message fails. |
registrationFailure | Returned when registration is failed. |
alreadyRegistered = 6006 | Raised when trying to register again, when the user is already registered. |
alreadyProcessing = 6008 | Raised when trying to register/unregister again, when user registration/unregistration is happening. |
invalidResponse | Returned when a response from the server is invalid. |
tokenInvalid = 38 | The token is not in the expected format. |
tokenUnauthorized = 39 | The token does not provide authorization to access the requested resource. |
tokenExpired = 40 | The token has expired. |
tokenRequired = 41 | The token is required. |
featuresDiscontinued = 84 | The features have been discontinued for this version. |
This enumeration describes the different device profile parameters supported for update and remove operations.
Value | Description |
userId | Represents the User Id attribute of the device profile. |
customerId | Represents the Customer Id attribute of the device profile. |
Updated about 2 months ago