This class provides style attributes that are utilized by InAppNotificationViewBinder for customization individual Notification view Binder components.
This method is used to get the Text color for InAppNotification.
Syntax: public int getTextColor()
Returns: color of InAppNotification text
This method sets InAppNotification text color
Syntax: public void setTextColor(int textColor)
Parameters: textColor - color of InAppNotification text
This method is used to get the Text Size for InAppNotification.
Syntax: public float getTextSize()
Returns: returns text size for InAppNotification
This method sets text size for InAppNotification
Syntax: public void setTextSize(float textSize)
Parameters: textSize - size of InAppNotification text
This method is used to get the Text typeface for InAppNotification.
Syntax: public android.graphics.Typeface getTextTypeface()
Returns: returns text typeface for InAppNotification.
Must be one of the following constant values normal(0),sans(1),serif(2),monospace(3)
This method sets text typeface for InAppNotification
Syntax: public void setTextTypeface(android.graphics.Typeface textTypeface)
Parameters: textTypeface - typeface of InAppNotification body text
This method sets InAppNotification title text color
Syntax: public int getTitleTextColor()
Returns: returns InAppNotification title text color value in the form of 0xAARRGGBB
This method sets InAppNotification title text color
Syntax: public void setTitleTextColor(int titleTextColor)
Parameters: titleTextColor - InAppNotification title text color
This method is used to get the title text Size for InAppNotification.
Syntax: public float getTitleTextSize()
Returns: returns title text size for InAppNotification
This method sets InAppNotification title text size
Syntax: public void setTitleTextSize(float titleTextSize)
Parameters: titleTextSize - size of title text for InAppNotification
This method is used to get the Text typeface for InAppNotification title text.
Syntax: public android.graphics.Typeface getTitleTextTypeface()
Returns: returns text typeface for InAppNotification title text.
Must be one of the following constant values monospace(3),normal(0),sans(1),serif (2)
This method sets InAppNotification title text typeface
Syntax: public void setTitleTextTypeface(android.graphics.Typeface titleTextTypeface)
Parameters: titleTextTypeface - typeface of title text
This method is used to get the Background resource Id for InAppNotification
Syntax: public int getBackgroundResource()
Returns: Background resource Id for InAppNotification
This method sets background resource id for InAppNotification
Syntax: public void setBackgroundResource(int backgroundResource)
Parameters: backgroundResource - background resource id for InAppNotification
This method is used to get the background color for InAppNotification.
Syntax: public int getBackgroundColor()
Returns: background color for InAppNotification
This method sets background color for InAppNotification
Syntax: public void setBackgroundColor(int backgroundColor)
Parameters: backgroundColor - background color for InAppNotification
This method is used to get the button style for InAppNotification.
Syntax: public ICInAppNotificationButtonStyle getButtonStyle()
Returns: button style for InAppNotification
This method sets button style for InAppNotification
Syntax: public void setButtonStyle(ICInAppNotificationButtonStyle buttonStyle)
Parameters: buttonStyle - button style for InAppNotification
Updated over 1 year ago