
Manages push messaging, including push module initialization, push providers, and related helpers and callbacks.

Manages push messaging, including push module initialization, push providers, and related helpers and callbacks. The following table provides the Package-level declarations.

Package-level declarationsDescription
PushMessagingHandles the core push messaging functionality.
PushModuleInitializerInitializes the push module.
PushProviderInterface for different push providers.
CompletionCallbackCallback interface for push operations.
PushServicesHelperHelper class for push services.
OnAvailabilityErrorListenerA typealias for a callback function to be invoked when an availability error occurs.
NotificationPermissionCallbackAlias for a function that requests notification permissions.
SendMessageStatusCallbackAlias for a function that sets the status of a message.
PushTokenListenerAlias for a function to be invoked when a new push token is received.
PushMessagingListenerAlias for a function to be invoked when a new push message is received.