
Version 1.6.0

Release Date: Aug 2024

New Features

The SDK now supports multiple user profiles on the same device. While multiple users can register, only one user can be active at any given time.


Proactive unregistration is required for inactive app users.

SDK will now be disabled if support for the SDK version is discontinued.

Version 1.5.8

Release Date: June 2024

New Features

  • Introduced the publishTypingIndicator method to allow sending of special typing indicator messages.


  • Resolved an issue where the flag indicating ongoing registration didn't reset as intended when the registration failed.

Version 1.5.7

Release Date: February 2024

New Features

  • Support for Firebase version 10

Version 1.5.6

Release Date: December 2023


  • Fixed an issue where the reference parameter could not be sent back to the Connect platform through form responses.

Version 1.5.5

New Features

  • Support for Firebase version 9.17.2


  • Various internal improvements and enhancements

Version 1.5.4

New Features

  • Introduced the fetchThread method to fetch the thread data for a given thread Id.
  • Added support for sending acknowledgment for Thread Update Event


  • Various internal improvements and enhancements

Version 1.5.3


  • Fixed an issue where setMessagesAsRead

Version 1.5.2


  • Removed duplicate values from input array for set message status method
  • Various internal improvements and enhancements

Version 1.5.1


  • Introduced handling for deduplication of Register/UnRegister API calls sent to platform
  • Improved error code handling
  • Various internal improvements and enhancements

Version 1.4.0

New Features

  • Introduced the Quick Reply message type to provide support for quick replies within in-app messaging.
  • Introduced the Generic Template message type to provide support for generic templates within in-app messaging.
  • Support for publishing postback event and click receipts to platform.


  • Various internal improvements and enhancements.

Version 1.3.0

New Features

  • Introduced auto generation of SDK configuration files which are automatically included in the SDK package when using the Download button from the Webex Connect app asset configuration page.
  • Introduced the ‘Form’ message type to provide support for forms within in-app messaging.
  • Introduced a new parameter to pass the reason for closing a chat when calling the close thread method.   Introduced the deleteMessage method which deletes an in-app message by transaction id.
  • Introduced new attributes to the response callback when uploading files to expose the preview and URL.
  • Introduced handling for deduplication of incoming in app messages.
  • MessageStatus is now available as an enumeration on the ICMessage object.
  • Removed an check that prevented publishMessage from executing unless there was an active broker connection.


  • Various internal improvements and enhancements

Version 1.2.1

This version of the JS SDK requires that devices are re-registered with the Webex Connect platform in order for access tokens to be issued.

If upgrading from a previous version of SDK, please ensure that you execute your registration code again. The imi.imiconnect.isRegistered() method is queried to determine the current registration status and conditionally execute your registration code.


  • Fixed of issue of getting an error when users already registered with older version of JS SDK upgrade to the latest SDK version``.

Version 1.2.0

New Features

  • Added support for fetchThreads, fetchMessages, fetchUnreadThreadCount, getSDKVersion methods .

Version 1.1

New Features

  • Added support to specify the asset folder and root folder path
  • Added missing properties.

Enhancements and Improvements

  • Added property message.getOutgoing() & message.setOutgoing()
  • Allowed republished message on originating device
  • Now returning title on Thread in callback of createThread.