Set-up a new Mobile / Web App Asset

To leverage our SDKs within your application, you must first create an app asset within the Webex Connect platform. The asset configuration determines which SDK features are enabled and available for you to use.

When an app asset is configured the platform will assign an App ID and Client Key. These credentials must be provided to the SDK by your app and form part of the authentication process with the Webex Connect platform.



For enhanced security you should consider implementing JWT authentication.

In order to send push notifications or in-app messages to your app, the asset must be mapped to a service.



Your account administrator should have been provided a URL to the Webex Connect Portal, this URL is unique to your account. If you do not have your account URL, please contact your account administrator.

  1. Create a Mobile App Asset in Webex Connect
  2. Configure Push-Notification channel for Web-browser

Create a Mobile App Asset in Webex Connect

  1. Log in to your Webex Connect Portal account using your unique account URL.
  2. Navigate to Assets > Apps. The Apps page is displayed.



The information required to configure each platform will vary as it is specific to each platform, but for the sake of this tutorial we will configure push notifications for the Android platform.

In the pop-up that appears, you'll see both FCM and HMS configurations. You can configure either one or both.

  • Firebase Service Account JSON-based push
  • Apple Push Notification Service
  • APNs token based push

Firebase Service Account JSON-based push

Apple Push Notification Service (APNS)

If you want to use APNS as the Push Notification gateway, follow the steps below:

Prerequisite: To create to the certificate, refer to the iOS SDK Quickstart Guide


Supported Certificate Format

Currently, .p12 is the only certificate format supported.

APNS token based push

Prerequisite: To create to the certificate, click the link: iOS SDK Quickstart Guide

  1. Enter the KeyId for the Authentication token.
  2. Enter the Team ID for your Apple Account. You can find it from “View Account”.
  3. Enter the BundleId of your Package project.
  4. Select one of the Gateway from dropdown:
    • Sandbox: To target your development app select the Sandbox.
    • Production: Select the Production when sending push to your production ready app.
  5. Upload the Private Key file.
  6. Click Save.

Configure Push-Notification channel for Web-browser

To add a web application in Webex Connect, follow these steps:

  1. Select browser and click Configure. The Configure Chrome and Firefox Push Notifications pop-up appears.

    Configure Chrome and Firefox Push Notifications

    Configure Chrome and Firefox Push Notifications

  2. Enter the following fields to configure Chrome and Firefox browsers:
    a. Website URL: Enter the URL of the website to configure Web Push notification.
    b. Notification Icon: Enter the path of the notification icon. The size of the icon should be 80x80.
    c. Upload Firebase Service Account JSON: Upload the JSON file that contains the private key to access the FCM HTTP v1 API. To generate a new private key, go to Service accounts in your Firebase project settings.
    Note: For existing clients, you can see both FCM Server details and also Upload Firebase Service Account JSON. It is recommended to migrate to FCM HTTP v1 API (JSON file) by June 2024.
    d. Firebase SDK Snippet: Enter the Firebase SDK Snippet generated in the section Setup FCM for Chrome and Firefox Browsers
    e. Click Save.


Configure Chrome and Firefox Push Notifications

  1. Enter the following fields to configure Safari browser:
    a. Site Name: The name that is entered is displayed on the notification.
    b. Site URL: The URL that is used to validate the identity of the website requesting push notifications using your ID. Only the website that matches the URL can use your Webex Connect ID for push notifications.
    c. Notification Icons: It is mandatory to upload all five icons. Click the respective buttons to upload the icons.
    d. APNS Credentials: Enter the password that is set while generating the certificate in the section Setup APNS for Safari Browser. Leave this field blank if the certificate was generated without a password.
    e. Name: Enter the name of the APNS file and click Validate. Once the file is validated, the Valid From, Valid Till, and Identifier are auto populated.
    f. Upload the .p12 certificate .
    g. Click Save.

Configure Safari Push Notification

  1. Configure Live Chat / In-App Messaging's Transport and Security settings.
Real-time messagingTransport protocols
Two transport protocols are available for establishing Live Chat / In-App Messaging connection with Webex Connect. They are Web Socket and MQTT. You can configure them as primary and secondary. In case the connection is not established on the primary protocol, it will fall back to secondary protocol.
Security settings
Enable secured ports to establish Live Chat / In-App Messaging connection on the secured port for MQTT and WebSocket as an extra layer of security.
Enable Live Chat / In-App Messaging payload encryption to encrypt the Live Chat / In-App Messaging payload in transit.
  1. Click Save.

A confirmation message appears when the application is created successfully.

Download and Integrate JavaScript SDK


App download for Safari

Advanced Settings

You will see the following options under Advanced Settings. Select the required options as per your requirement.

Device Attributes for Mobile Apps

To enable Device Attributes for mobile apps, follow the procedure below:



This feature is optional.

  1. In the pop-up that appears, select the device attributes you wish to monitor.
  2. Next, define the monitoring frequency by selecting an interval from the select-list available.
  3. Copy the code snippet available in the 'Permissions' section and paste it in your manifest.xml file in case of Android or plist file in case of iOS.

Device Attribute configuration for iOS



"Multi-User Registration allows you to have multiple users registered from a single device at the same time. This will ensure that push notification sent to any of the registered user will be delivered on the device. However if the notification is sent to all the users registered on a device parallelly, you would see duplicate push notifications on that given device "

  1. Click Save to complete your app asset creation process and click the back button, to land on the apps page. You can now see your app listed with an App-ID.

You'll have to embed this APP ID in your app code. You can learn more about it in Quickstart guides available in each SDK documentation.

To configure a project, visit Project Setup

What’s Next

Build your first mobile app.