This version of the SDK added one more Enum class as ICEnvironment.
- ICConnectionStatus
- ICDeviceProfileParam
- ICErrorCode
- ICLogTarget
- ICLogType
- ICMessageChannel
- ICMessageStatus
- ICMessageSynchronizationMode
- ICMessageType
- ICThreadStatus
- ICThreadType
- ICEnvironment
- ICInteractiveDataType
- ICTemplateType
- ICFormFieldType
- ICInAppNotificationType
This enumeration describes the various statuses for the connection between the SDK and the In-App Message broker.
Value | Description |
None | No connection attempt has been made. |
Connecting | A connection attempt is in progress. |
Connected | A connection has been established. |
Refused | The connection was refused by the broker. Note: Not currently used. |
Disconnecting | A disconnection attempt is currently in progress. |
Closed | The connection has been closed. |
Error | A connection error has occurred. |
This enumeration describes the different device profile parameters supported for update and remove operations.
Value | Description |
UserId | Represents the User Id attribute of the device profile. |
CustomerId | Represents the Customer Id attribute of the device profile. |
This enumeration describes the various error codes exposed by the SDK.
Value | Description |
Not Initialized | Indicates the SDK has not been initialized/started. |
AlreadyInitialized | Indicates the SDK is already started, but another attempt has been made. |
NotRegistered | Indicates attempted access to a feature before registering a user. |
FeatureNotSupported | Indicates attempted access to a feature that is not enabled within the Webex Connect app configuration. |
InvalidParameterValue | It indicates that a required parameter is missing or an invalid value has been passed. |
PermissionNotGranted | Indicates that permission required to process operation has not been granted. |
AlreadyRegistered | Indicates a user is already registered but another registration attempt has been made. |
PushRegistrationFailed | Indicates that the SDK failed to register for push notifications. |
RestFailure | It indicates that a REST API call to the Webex Connect platform has failed. Used exclusively with ICRestException that exposes the underlying error. |
NotConnected | Indicates an In-App Messaging operation has been attempted while no active connection exists. |
ConnectionFailure | Indicates that an In-App Messaging connection error occurred. |
PublishFailed | Indicates that the In-App Message publication failed. |
SubscribeFailed | Indicates that the topic subscription operation failed. |
UnsubscribeFailed | Indicates that the operation to unsubscribe from a topic failed. |
GeneratePinTimeout | It indicates that the Pin generation process has timed out during the listening phase. |
TokenInvalid | Indicates the Security Token is invalid. |
TokenRequired | It indicates that a Security Token is required. |
TokenExpired | It indicates that a Security Token has expired. |
Unknown | Indicates that an unknown error has occurred. |
This enumeration describes the targets that may be used with the logging system.
Value | Description |
File | Logs will be displayed in the console. |
Console | Logs will be recorded in a file. |
This enumeration describes the type of logging that the SDK will produce.
Value | Description |
None | No logging information will be generated. |
Debug | Logging information suitable for debugging in a development environment will be generated. |
Production | Minimal logging information, suitable for production environments, will be generated. |
This enumeration describes the supported message channels.
Value | Description |
Push | Channel for Push messages. |
AppMessaging | Channel for In-App messages. |
This enumeration describes the various message statuses.
Value | Description |
None | It indicates that the message has been created but no send attempt has been made. |
Sent | It indicates that the message was successfully sent to the Webex Connect platform. |
NotSent | It indicates that sending of the message to the Webex Connect platform failed. |
Delivered | It indicates that the message has been delivered. |
Read | It indicates that the message has been read. |
Clicked | A message clicked by user |
This enumeration describes the various message synchronization modes.
Value | Description |
None | Synchronization is disabled. |
Limited | Synchronization is constrained by limits. |
Full | Synchronization of all message data. |
This enumeration describes the different types of messages.
Value | Description |
Alert | Indicates an Alert style message. |
DeliveryReceipt | Indicates the message is a delivery receipt for another standard message. |
Message | Indicates the message is a standard Push or In-App message. |
MessageNotification | Indicates the message is a Push notification that is coupled to a standard In-App message. |
ReadReceipt | Indicates the message is a read-receipt for another standard message. |
Republish | It indicates that the message is a republish of another standard message. This type is used to help support the synchronization of user originated messages to other devices. |
ThreadUpdate | Indicates that the message contains updated thread data. This type is used to synchronize changes of thread data to user devices. |
TypingStart | The message is an indicator that typing has started. |
TypingStop | The message is an indicator that typing has stopped. |
ClickedReceipt | Message Data is a clicked event of template element button. |
This enumeration describes the various thread statuses used by the SDK.
Value | Description |
Active | It indicates that the thread is considered as active. |
Closed | Indicates that the thread is considered as closed. |
This enumeration describes the types of threads used by the SDK.
Value | Description |
Announcement | Indicates a read-only thread that may be used for one-way announcements. It is not possible to publish messages to this type of thread from the SDK. |
Conversation | Indicates a thread which may be used for bi-directional communication. |
This enumeration describes the Webex Connect server environment used by the SDK.
Value | Description |
UK | United Kingdom server |
US | United States server |
TC | Telecity server |
IN | India server |
CA | Canada server |
AZURE_US | United States server for azure |
This enumeration describes the Interactive data type for message.
Value | Description |
FormResponse | Form response for message type “form” |
WebUrl | Generic template element’s button click action which opens WebURL. |
TemplatePostback | Generic Template element’s button click action which sends click event. |
QuickReplyPostback | Quick Reply Button click action. |
This enumeration describes the type of templates supported for message.
Value | Description |
Form | Indicates the form message which will accept a set of form fields |
Generic | Indicates the generic template with elements and each element has images and interactive buttons. |
This enumeration describes the type of form fields supported for message type “form”
Value | Description |
Date | Indicates the Date type of form field |
Decimal | Indicates the Decimal type of form field |
Dropdown | Indicates the Dropdown type of form field |
Indicates the Email type of form field | |
Integer | Indicates the Integer type of form field |
Name | Indicates the Name type of form field |
Text | Indicates the Text type of form field |
MultiSelectDropdown | Indicates the Multi select dropdown type of form field |
This enumeration describes the types of in-app notifications that can be displayed.
Value | Description |
None | It displays none. |
Banner | It displays the notification as a banner. |
Modal | It displays the notification as a modal. |
Updated 3 months ago