This section details the callback and listener interfaces contained within the com.imimobile.connect.core.callbacks
- ICCreateThreadCallback
- ICFetchMessagesCallback
- ICFetchStreamsCallback - Removed in 2.7.0
- ICFetchThreadsCallback
- ICFetchTopicsCallback
- ICFileDownloadCallback
- ICFileUploadCallback
- ICMessagingListener
- ICPublishMessageCallback
- ICRegistrationCallback
- ICSecurityTokenExceptionListener
- ICSetMessageStatusCallback
- ICStartupCallback
- ICShutdownCallback
- ICSubscribeTopicCallback
- ICUnsubscribeTopicCallback
- ICUpdateProfileDataCallback
- ICUpdateThreadCallback
- ICUserAuthenticationCallback
- ICPublishEventCallback
- ICDeleteMessageCallback
- ICPushTokenListener
- ICRegenerateMediaURLCallback
- ICFetchThreadCallback
- ICFetchUnReadThreadCountCallback
Used to receive the result of calls to the asynchronous ICMessaging.createThread method.
Return Type | Method |
void | onCreateThreadComplete(ICThread thread, ICException exception) |
Invoked when the ICMessaging.createThread method completes execution. If an error occurs the exception parameter will not be null.
Syntax: void onCreateThreadComplete(ICThread thread, ICException exception);
Parameter | Type | Description |
thread | ICThread | The thread object that was provisioned within the Webex Connect platform. |
exception | ICException | Null if the operation succeeded. |
Used to receive the result of calls to the asynchronous ICMessaging.fetchMessages method.
Invoked when the ICMessaging.fetchMessages completes execution. If an error occurs then the exception parameter will not be null.
Syntax: onFetchMessagesComplete(ICMessage[] messages, boolean hasMoreData, ICException exception);
Parameter | Type | Description |
messages | ICMessage | The fetched messages array |
hasMoreData | boolean | A value of true signifies that additional messages exist within the platform that matched the initial fetch criteria. |
exception | ICException | Null if the operation succeeded. |
Removed since v2.7.0.
Used to receive the result of the asynchronous ICMessaging.fetchStreams method.
Return Type | Method |
void | onFetchStreamsComplete(ICStream[] streams, ICException exception) |
Invoked when calls to the ICMessaging.fetchStreams method completes execution. If an error occurs, then the exception parameter will not be null.
Syntax: void onFetchStreamsComplete(ICStream[] streams, ICException exception);
Parameter | Type | Description |
streams | ICStream[] | Array of streams fetched from the Webex Connect platform. |
exception | ICException | Null if the operation succeeds. |
Used to receive the result of the asynchronous ICMessaging.fetchThreads method.
Invoked when execution of ICMessaging.fetchThreads completes. If an error occurs then the exception parameter will not be null.
Syntax: void onFetchThreadsComplete(ICThread[] threads, boolean hasMoreData, ICException exception);
Parameter | Type | Description |
threads | ICThread | Array of threads fetched from the Webex Connect platform. |
hasMoreData | boolean | A value of true signifies that additional threads exist within the platform that matched the initial fetch criteria. |
exception | ICException | Null if the operation was successful. |
Used to receive the result of the asynchronous ICMessaging.fetchTopics method.
Return Type | Method |
void | onFetchTopicsComplete(ICTopic[] topics, boolean hasMoreData, ICException exception) |
Invoked when execution of ICMessaging.fetchTopics is complete. If an error occurs, then the exception parameter will be non-null.
Syntax: void onFetchTopicsComplete(ICTopic[] topics, boolean hasMoreData, ICException exception)
Parameter | Type | Description |
topics | ICTopic | Array of topics fetched from the platform. |
hasMoreData | boolean | A value of true signifies that additional threads exist within the platform that matched the initial fetch criteria. |
exception | ICException | Null if the operation was successful. |
Used when downloading files with ICMediaFileManager to receive events related to progress and completion.
Invoked when a download completes or has failed.
Syntax: onFileDownloadComplete(URL url, File file, ICException exception)
Parameter | Type | Description |
url | URL | The URL of the download. |
file | File | The downloaded file. Null if an error occurred. |
exception | ICException | Non-null if an error occurred. |
Invoked to report the progress of a download operation.
Syntax: onFileDownloadProgress(URL url, long bytesDownloaded, long bytesTotal)
Parameter | Type | Description |
url | URL | The URL of the download. |
bytesDownloaded | long | The number of bytes that have been downloaded so far. |
bytesTotal | long | The total number of bytes for the download. |
Used when uploading files with ICMediaFileManager to receive events related to progress and completion.
Invoked when upload completes or has failed.
Syntax: onFileUploadComplete(File file, String mediaId, ICException exception)
Parameter | Type | Description |
file | File | The local file that was uploaded. |
mediaId | String | The identifier of the upload within the Webex Connect platform. Will be null if the upload failed. |
exception | ICException | Non-null if an error occurred during upload. |
Invoked to report the progress of a file upload operation.
Syntax: onFileUploadProgress(File file, long bytesUploaded, long bytesTotal)
Parameter | Type | Descriptio |
file | File | The local file that is being uploaded. |
bytesUploaded | long | The number of bytes that have been uploaded so far. |
bytesTotal | long | The total number of bytes for the upload operation. |
Interface for listening to events from the ICMessaging class.
Invoked when there is a change to the In-App Messaging connection status. If an error has occurred (status == .Error) the exception parameter will be non-null.
Syntax: void onConnectionStatusChanged(ICConnectionStatus status, ICException exception)
Parameter | Type | Description |
status | ICConnectionStatus | The current connection status. |
exception | ICException | Non-null if an error has occurred. |
Invoked when a new In-App Message is received from the Webex Connect platform.
Syntax: void onMessageReceived(ICMessage message)
Parameter | Type | Description |
message | ICMessage | The received message. |
Used to receive the result of messages published via ICMessaging.publishMessage.
Return Type | Method |
void | onPublishMessageComplete(ICMessage message, ICException exception) |
Invoked to report the result of publishing an In-App Message. If an error occurs then the exception parameter will not be null.
Syntax: void onPublishMessageComplete(ICMessage message, ICException exception)
Parameter | Type | Description |
message | ICMessage | The message that was being published. |
exception | ICException | Non-null if an exception occurred. |
Used to receive the result of calls to imiconnect.register.
Return Type | Method |
void | onRegistrationComplete(Bundle bundle, ICException exception) |
Invoked to report the result of user registration. If an error occurs then the exception parameter will not be null.
The bundle parameter is reserved for future use to return registration-related information.
Syntax: void onRegistrationComplete(Bundle bundle, ICException exception)
Parameter | Type | Description |
bundle | Bundle | Reserved for future use. |
exception | ICException | Non-null if an exception occurs. |
Used for listening to Security Token exceptions that occur from API calls to the Webex Connect Platform.
Return Type | Method |
void | onException(ICException exception) |
Invoked whenever a Security Token exception occurs, the ICException object contains cause information.
Syntax: void onException(ICException exception)
Parameter | Type | Description |
exception | ICException | Describes the cause of the error. |
Used to receive the result of message status updates for ICMessaging.setMessageAsRead and ICMessaging.setMessagesAsRead.
Return Type | Method |
void | onSetMessageStatusComplete(String[] messageTransactionIds, ICException exception) |
Invoked to report the result of updating message statuses. If an error occurs then the exception parameter will be non-null.
Syntax: void onSetMessageStatusComplete(String[] messageTransactionIds, ICException exception)
Parameter | Type | Description |
messageTransactionIds | String[] | An array of messages ids on which the operation was performed. |
exception | ICException | Null if the operation succeeded. |
This interface contains a single method that is used to notify the caller when the SDK startup is complete.
If the startup failed the ICException parameter will be non-null and contains details of the failure.
public interface ICStartupCallback
void onStartupComplete(ICException e);
This interface contains a single method that is used to notify the caller when the SDK shutdown is complete.
If the startup failed the ICException parameter will be non-null and contains details of the failure.
public interface ICShutdownCallback
void onShutdownComplete(final ICException e);
Return Type | Method |
void | onShutdownComplete() |
Invoked when the shutdown is complete.
Syntax: void onShutdownComplete()
Used to receive the result of topic subscription operations made via ICMessaging.subscribeTopic.
Return Type | Method |
void | onSubscribeTopicComplete(String topicId, ICException exception) |
Invoked to report the result of the topic subscription. If the operation succeeds then the exception parameter will be null.
Syntax: void onSubscribeTopicComplete(String topicId, ICException exception)
Parameter | Type | Description |
topicId | String | The id of the topic for the subscription operation. |
exception | ICException | Null if the operation succeeded. |
Used to receive the result of calls to ICMessaging.unsubscribeTopic
Return Type | Method |
void | onUnsubscribeTopicComplete(String topicId, ICException exception) |
Invoked to report the result of unsubscribing from a topic. If the operation succeeds, the exception parameter will be null.
Syntax: void onUnsubscribeTopicComplete(String topicId, ICException exception)
Parameter | Type | Description |
topicId | String | The id of the topic which was being unsubscribed. |
exception | ICException | Null if the operation succeeded. |
Used to receive the result of profile update operations made via imiconnect.updateProfileData
Return Type | Method |
void | onUpdateComplete(Bundle bundle, ICException exception) |
Invoked to report the result of profile update operations. If the operation succeeds the exception parameter will be null.
Syntax: void onUpdateComplete(Bundle bundle, ICException exception)
Parameter | Type | Description |
bundle | Bundle | Reserved for future use. |
exception | ICException | Null if the operation succeeded. |
Used to receive the result of calls to ICMessaging.updateThread and ICMessaging.closeThread
Return Type | Method |
void | onUpdateThreadComplete(ICThread thread, ICException exception) |
Invoked when the operation completes. If the call was successful the exception parameter will be null.
Syntax: void onUpdateThreadComplete(ICThread thread, ICException exception);
Parameter | Type | Description |
thread | ICThread | The thread instance that was being updated / closed. |
exception | ICException | Null if the operation succeeded. |
Captures events raised during the various stages of user authentication.
Return Type | Method |
void | onPinGenerated() |
void | onPinValidated() |
void | onPinReceived() |
void | onError(ICException exception) |
Invoked when a pin code has been successfully generated by the Webex Connect platform, in response to a call of ICUserAuthentication.generatePin.
Syntax: void onPinGenerated()
Invoked when a pin code has been successfully validated. This may occur in response to ICUserAuthentication.validatePin or after automatic pin validation from an incoming SMS when the SDK is in listening mode.
Syntax: void onPinValidated()
Invoked when a pin has been received. This event is only raised when the SDK is listening for incoming SMS.
Syntax: void onPinReceived()
Invoked if any stage of the authentication process has failed.
Syntax: void onError(ICException exception)
Parameter | Type | Description |
exception | ICException | Contains error information. |
Used to receive the result of messages published via imiconnect.publishEvent
Invoked to report the result of publishing events. If an error occurs then the exception parameter will not be null.
Syntax: void onPublishEventComplete(Bundle bundle, ICException exception)
Parameter | Type | Description |
bundle | Bundle | The events being published. |
exception | ICException | Non-null if an exception occurred. |
Used to receive the result of delele message operations made via ICMessaging.deleteMessage
Invoked to report the result of delete message operations. If the operation succeeds the exception parameter will be null.
Syntax: void onDeleteMessageComplete(String messageTransactionId, ICException exception)
Parameter | Type | Description |
messageTransactionId | String | Message’s transaction id |
exception | ICException | Null if the operation succeeded. |
Used for listening to the updated push token.
Return Type | Method |
void | onNewToken(String token) |
Called when a new token for the default Firebase project is generated.
Syntax: public void onNewToken(String token)
Parameter | Type | Description |
token | String | New push token |
Used to receive the result of calls to the asynchronous ICMediaFileManager. regenerateMediaURL method.
Invoked when regenerate media URL is completed/failed.
Syntax: void onRegenerateMediaURLComplete(URL url, ICException exception)
Parameter | Type | Description |
url | URL | Media url |
exception | ICException | Non-null if an error occurred. |
Used to receive the result of the asynchronous ICMessaging.requestNotificationPermission method
Invoked to report the result, when the user accepts or declines the notification permission prompt
Syntax : void onComplete(boolean isGranted)
Parameter | Descriptions |
isGranted | A value of true signifies that user accepted the notification permission otherwise not |
Used to receive the result of the asynchronous ICMessaging.fetchThread method.
Return Type | Method |
void | onFetchThreadComplete(ICThread thread, ICException exception) |
onFetchThreadComplete | Invoked when execution of ICMessaging.fetchThread completes. If an error occurs then the exception parameter will not be null. |
Syntax : void onFetchThreadComplete(ICThread thread, ICException exception)
Parameter | Type | Description |
thread | ICThread | thread fetched from the Webex Connect platform. |
exception | ICException | Null if the operation was successful. |
Defines a callback for fetching the count of unread threads with the count and an optional exception if an error occurs.
Return Type | Method |
void | onFetchUnReadThreadCountComplete(int unreadThreadcount, ICException exception) |
Syntax : onFetchUnReadThreadCountComplete(int unreadThreadcount, ICException exception)
Parameter | Type | Description |
unreadThreadCount | int | The count of unread threads. |
exception | ICException | Null if the operation was successful. |
Updated 2 months ago