The Webex Connect Android SDK exposes the following exception classes:
The base exception class used to report errors that occur within the SDK. Inherits from the standard Java Exception class.
Used to get the error code that identifies the type of error occurred.
Syntax: ICErrorCode getErrorCode()
Return Value:
The ICErrorCode that indicates the specific error.
Used to report exceptions related to REST API calls that are made between the SDK and the Webex Connect platform.
Gets the response code that identifies the cause of the exception.
This value is extracted from response data and, therefore, is only populated when a valid response has been received. If an error occurs within the request stack this value will be 0, in this circumstance check the
for the underlying error.
Syntax: int getResponseCode()
Return Value:
The response code that identifies the cause of the exception.
Updated over 1 year ago