Holds information about a device and associated user data.
Holds information about a device and associated user data. Device profiles are registered with the Webex Connect platform to allow targeted communication between the platform and the SDK.
If a device profile is registered without providing a specific appUserId value, the Webex Connect platform will generate one automatically. The currently registered device profile is accessible via WebexConnect.instance.deviceProfile.
We recommend using an Instance ID or UUID for your deviceId, the defaultDeviceId is provided as a convenience and uses the standard ANDROID_ID value.
Class representing the device profile. Creates a device profile instance with the given deviceId and userId.
Syntax: DeviceProfile(val deviceId: String, userId: String? = null, var isGuest: Boolean = false)
Companion Properties
Name | Type | Description |
defaultDeviceId | String | The default device ID. The id returned is equivalent to Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID |
Returns the default device ID. The id returned is equivalent to Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID
Syntax: val defaultDeviceId: String
Property Name | Type | Description |
customerId | String | This method is used to get the Customer ID. |
deviceId | String | The unique identifier of the device. |
isGuest | Boolean | Indicates if the device is in guest mode. |
isSystemGeneratedUser | Boolean | Used to determine if the current appUserId value was generated by the Webex Connect platform. |
userId | String | The user ID associated with the device. |
Updated 12 days ago