

This method processes the received Push token from the application.

Syntax: public static void processPushToken(context, token) throws ICException

Throws an ICException if a user is not registered with Webex Connect or if Push feature is not enabled.


contextContextSpecifies the Android context.
tokenStringThe token string to be processed.
   try {
   ICHMSPushProvider.processPushToken(getApplicationContext(), token);
      } catch (ICException e) {                      
     Log.e("processPushToken", e.getLocalizedMessage(),e);  



This method call required only if application developer implements their own HmsMessageService and requires to receive push messages from the Webex Connect platform.

getPushToken (Deprecated)

This method is called to gets the current device push token.

  Syntax: public static String getPushToken()

String pushToken = ICHMSPushProvider.getPushToken();

processPushToken (Deprecated)

This method is called to handle new push registration token.

Syntax: public static void processPushToken() throws ICException

Throws an ICException if a user is not registered with Webex Connect or if Push feature is not enabled.


RemoteMessagecom.huawei.hms.push.RemoteMessageA remote HMS Message
try {  
catch (ICException e) {  
   Log.e("processPushToken", exception.getLocalizedMessage(), exception);  



This method call required only if application developer implements their own HmsMessageService and requires to receive push messages from connect platform.

processPushMessage (Deprecated)

This method is called to handle push messages received from Webex Connect platform.

Syntax: public void processPushMessage(RemoteMessage message) throws ICException

Throws an ICException if a user is not registered with Webex Connect or if Push feature is not enabled or if message is not from Webex Connect platform.

try {  
} catch (ICException exception) {  
   Log.e("processPushMessage ", exception.getLocalizedMessage(), exception);  



This method call required only if application developer implements their own FirebaseMessagingService and requires connect SDK to process the push message received from connect platform.

processPushData (Deprecated)

This method is called to handle push message received from connect platform.

Syntax:  void processPushData(Map<String,String> data) throws ICException


dataMap<String,String>The message data map.



This method call required only if application developer implements their own HmsMessageService
and requires connect SDK to process the push message received from connect platform.

catch (ICException exception) 
     Log.e("processPushData", exception.getLocalizedMessage(), exception); 

isConnnectPushMessage (Deprecated)

This helper method returns whether the message is from the Webex Connect platform or not.

Syntax: public boolean isConnnectPushMessage(RemoteMessage message)

Return Value:  Returns true if the message is from connect platform false otherwise.


This helper method returns whether the message is from the Webex Connect platform or not.

Syntax:  void isConnectPushData(Map<String,String> data)


dataMap<String,String>The message data map.

Returns: Returns true if the message is from connect platform false otherwise.

addPushTokenListener (Deprecated)

This method is allows to add an object which implements the ICPushTokenListener interface to listen for updated token.

  Syntax: public static void addPushTokenListener(final ICPushTokenListener listener)


listenerICPushTokenListenerPush token listener
ICHMSPushProvider.addPushTokenListener(new ICPushTokenListener()  
   public void onNewPushToken(final String pushToken)  
      Log.d(TAG, "onNewPushToken(): " + pushToken);  

removePushTokenListener (Deprecated)

This method is allows the developer to remove a previously added object which implements the ICPushTokenListener interface, in order to stop listening for updated token.

Syntax: public static void removePushTokenListener(final ICPushTokenListener listener)


listenerICPushTokenListenerPush token listener