Interface for in-app messaging functionality.
Interface for in-app messaging functionality.
Syntax: interface InAppMessaging : ConnectModule
Properties | Description |
connectionStatus | Represents the current connection status.val connectionStatus: ConnectionStatus |
isConnected | Indicates whether there is an active connection.val isConnected: Boolean |
mediaFileManager | The media file manager for handling media files.val mediaFileManager: MediaFileManager |
messageStore | The store for in-app messages.var messageStore: MessageStore? |
messageSynchronizationPolicy | The policy for message synchronization.var messageSynchronizationPolicy: MessageSynchronizationPolicy? |
Initiates a connection.
Syntax: fun connect()
Throws: WebexConnectException If the connection fails.
Disconnects the current session.
Syntax: fun disconnect()
Throws: WebexConnectException: If the disconnection fails.
Registers a listener for connection status changed events.
Syntax: fun registerConnectionStatusListener(listener: ConnectionStatusListener)
Parameter | Type | Description |
listener | ConnectionStatusListener | The listener to register. |
Unregister a previously registered listener.
Syntax: fun unregisterConnectionStatusListener(listener: ConnectionStatusListener)
Parameters | Type | Description |
listener | ConnectionStatusListener | The listener to unregister. |
Registers a listener for in-app messaging events.
Syntax:fun registerMessagingListener(listener: InAppMessagingListener)
Parameter | Type | Description |
listener | InAppMessagingListener | The listener to register. |
Unregister a previously registered listener.
Syntax: fun unregisterMessagingListener(listener: InAppMessagingListener)
Parameter | Type | Description |
listener | InAppMessagingListener | The listener to unregister. |
publishMessage(message, callback)
Publishes a new in-app message.
Syntax: fun publishMessage(message: InAppMessage,callback: PublishMessageCallback)
Parameters | Type | Description |
message | InAppMessage | The message is to be published. |
callback | PublishMessageCallback | The callback is to be invoked as a result of the publish operation. |
closeThread(thread, callback)
Closes a thread.
Syntax: fun closeThread(thread: InAppThread, callback: UpdateThreadCallback)
Parameters | Type | Description |
thread | InAppThread | The thread is to be closed. |
callback | UpdateThreadCallback | The callback is to be invoked as a result of the close operation. |
deleteMessage(messageTransactionId, callback)
Deletes a previously sent in-app message.
Syntax: fun deleteMessage(messageTransactionId: String,callback: DeleteMessageCallback)
Parameter | Type | Description |
messageTransactionId | String | The transaction ID of the message is to be deleted. |
callback | DeleteMessageCallback | The callback is to be invoked as a result of the delete operation. |
fetchMessages(threadId, beforeDate, limit, callback)
Fetches a list of messages from a specific thread.
Syntax:fun fetchMessages(threadId: String, beforeDate: Date?, limit: Int, callback: FetchMessagesCallback)
Parameters | Type | Description |
threadId | String | The ID of the thread from which to fetch messages. |
beforeDate | Date | The date before which messages should be fetched. |
limit | Int | The maximum number of messages to fetch. |
callback | FetchMessagesCallback | The callback is to be invoked with the fetched messages. |
publishTypingIndicator(thread, isTyping)
Publishes a typing indicator message to the given thread.
Syntax: fun publishTypingIndicator(thread: InAppThread, isTyping: Boolean)
Parameters | Type | Description |
thread | InAppThread | The thread is to publish the typing indicator message. |
isTyping | Boolean | The flag indicates whether the typing indicator is active or not. |
createPostbackMessage(message, button)
Creates a postback message for a button click.
Syntax: fun createPostbackMessage(message: InAppMessage, button: InAppButton): InAppMessage
Return A new instance of [InAppMessage] representing the postback message.
Parameters | Type | Description |
message | InAppMessage | The message to create a postback message. |
button | InAppButton | The button that was clicked. |
createThread(thread, callback)
Creates a new thread.
Syntax:fun createThread(thread: InAppThread,callback: CreateThreadCallback)
Parameters | Type | Description |
thread | InAppThread | The thread to be created. |
callback | CreateThreadCallback | The callback is to be invoked as a result of the create operation. |
updateThread(thread, callback)
Updates an existing thread.
Syntax: fun updateThread(thread: InAppThread, callback: UpdateThreadCallback)
Parameter | Type | Description |
thread | InAppThread | The thread is to be updated. |
callback | UpdateThreadCallback | The callback is to be invoked as a result of the update operation. |
fetchThreads(beforeDate, limit, callback, category, type)
Fetches a list of threads with optional filtering by category or type.
Syntax: fun fetchThreads(beforeDate: Date, limit: Int, callback: FetchThreadsCallback, category: String? = null, type: InAppThreadType? = null)
Parameters | Type | Description |
beforeDate | date | The date before which threads should be fetched. |
limit | Int | The maximum number of threads to fetch. |
callback | FetchThreadsCallback | The callback is to be invoked with the fetched threads. |
category | string | Optional category to filter the threads by. |
type | InAppThreadType | Optional type to filter the threads by. |
Fetches the details of a specific thread.
Syntax: fun fetchThread(threadId: String, callback: FetchThreadCallback)
Parameters | Type | Description |
threadId | String | The ID of the thread to fetch. |
callback | FetchThreadCallback | The callback is to be invoked with the thread details. |
Fetches the count of unread threads.
Syntax: fun fetchUnreadThreadCount( callback: FetchUnreadThreadCountCallback )
Parameters | Type | Description |
callback | FetchUnreadThreadCountCallback | The callback is to be invoked with the count of unread threads. |
sendMessageStatus( messageTransactionIds, status, callback )
Updates the status of one or more messages.
Syntax: abstract fun sendMessageStatus(vararg messageTransactionIds: String, status: InAppMessageStatus, callback: SendMessageStatusCallback? )
Parameters | Type | Description |
messageTransactionIds | Array | Vararg of message transaction IDs whose status is to be updated. |
status | InAppMessageStatus | The new status is to be applied to the messages. |
callback | SendMessageStatusCallback | Optional callback invoked as a result of the status update operation. |
sendMessageStatus(messageTransactionId, status, button, callback)
Updates the status of a message.
Syntax: fun sendMessageStatus(messageTransactionId: String, status: InAppMessageStatus, button: InAppButton? = null, callback: SendMessageStatusCallback? )
Parameters | Type | Description |
messageTransactionId | String | The message transaction ID whose status is to be updated. |
status | InAppMessageStatus | The new status is to be applied to the message. |
button | InAppButton | The button that was clicked. |
callback | SendMessageStatusCallback | Optional callback invoked with the result of the status update operation. |
Syntax: fun shutdown()
Syntax: fun startup()
Updated 20 days ago