
Represents an in-app message.

Represents an in-app message.


appIdStringThe application ID of the message.
val appId: String?
userIdStringThe user ID associated with the message.
val userId: String?
deviceIdStringThe device ID associated with the message.
val deviceId: String?
messageStringThe message content.
var message: String?
typeInAppMessageTypeThe message type.
val type: InAppMessageType
threadInAppThreadThe thread associated with the message.
var thread: InAppThread?
extrasJSONObjectAny extra data associated with the message.
val extras: JSONObject
customTagsJSONObjectAny custom tags associated with the message.
var customTags: JSONObject?
attachmentsInAppAttachmentAttachments associated with the message.
var attachments: ArrayList<InAppAttachment>?
interactiveDataInAppInteractiveDataThe interactive data associated with the message.
val interactiveData: InAppInteractiveData?
quickReplyInAppQuickReplyThe InAppQuickReplyhe quick reply associated with the message.
val quickReply: InAppQuickReply?
referenceStringThe reference of the message.
val reference: String?
transactionIdStringThe transaction ID of the message.
val transactionId: String
relatedTransactionIdStringThe related transaction ID of the message.
var relatedTransactionId: String?
statusInAppMessageStatusThe status of the message.
var status: InAppMessageStatus
isOutgoingBooleanIs the message outgoing.
val isOutgoing: Boolean
readAtDateThe date when the message was read.
var readAt: Date?
createdAtDateThe date when the message was created.
val createdAt: Date?
submittedAtDateThe date when the message was submitted.
val submittedAt: Date?
deliveredAtDateThe date when the message was delivered.
var deliveredAt: Date?



Converts the message to a JSON object.

Syntax:fun toJson(): JSONObject

The JSON object representing the message.

Companion Functions


Converts a JSONObject to a message.

Syntax:fun fromJson(jsonObject: JSONObject): InAppMessage


jsonObjectJSONObjectThe JSONObject to convert.

The message converted from the JSONObject.